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Q: How do you setup robocode javac compiler for windows when I try to open the compiler.Below message appear Please wait while Robocode sets up a compiler for you.. javac does not exist.?
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empty statement does nothing, 'missing statement' is an error-message from the compiler, eg: { if (x==2) } corrected version: { if (x==2); }

How you check that path is set for java compiler?

Open command window "cmd" from Windows prompt. Type in "javac" in the window. The command should execute giving full usage of javac and its options. If you get an error message saying that "Javac is not a recognized as an internal or external command", than the Path has not been set.

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positive message or good message,negative message or bad message and neutral message.

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What is a mind message?

i dont know what a mind message is but i think that it is a message that you think of in your mind and it is called a mind message. That is what a mind message is.

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When the message transferred from sender to receiver in not added, deleted or modifies by an external third parties, then that message represents the message integrity. Message confidentiality will be added when the message is not been viewed or noted by the unauthorized user. Message integrity and message confidentiality are related to each other. Without message confidentiality you cannot achieve message integrity and vice versa.

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On message boards, a sticky message is a message that cannot be replied to or deleted.

Explain about type casting in java?

Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;Type casting means explicitly converting one data type to another. For example, the following won't be allowed:int a;long b;b = 5;a = b;In the last line, the compiler will complain, due to a possible data loss - long has a larger range. But if you believe that the conversion won't cause a problem in your program, you can override the error message with an explicit conversion (or typecast):...a = (int) b;

Purpose of marker interface in java?

Generally, they are used to give additional information about the behaviour of a class.It is just used to "mark" Java classes which support a certain capability . Examples: java.util.RandomAccess java.rmi.Remote java.util.EventListner javax.servlet.SingleThreadModel java.lang.Clonable javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean

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