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keeps the egg at the right temp, and the air around it clean

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Q: How does an automatic egg incubator turn the eggs?
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Related questions

What do use to incubate eggs?

an egg incubator

Do you need and egg incubator for an egg if it is not fertalised?

An incubator is used to hatch fertile eggs artificially. Nothing will hatch from an unfertilised egg.

What is the difference between egg incubator and hatcher?

An egg hatcher is another name for an egg incubator. They are both structures that keep eggs warm in place of the mother, so the eggs will hatch.

How do you warm a egg?

An incubator is the best way but a simple light bulb incubator is sufficient to hatch eggs.

What do you do if an ostrich egg explode in an incubator about 1000 eggs in the incubator?

Any non-viable eggs need to be removed, and whatever can be cleaned up should be.

How do you hatch Moa eggs in minecraft?

first craft an incubator, which is an ambrosium torch in the middle then holy stone around it, then put the egg in the incubator.(the incubator is powered by ambrosium torches

How hot a egg has to get to hatch?

most animal eggs require an incubator if cared for by humans.

What happens if you crack the shell of your egg while in the incubator?

That egg will not hatch. Take it out. Bacteria will grow in it and also the moisture has all been lost. You do not want it to affect your other eggs that are in the incubator.

How many times do you turn an egg to get it to hatch?

My auto turning incubator turns eggs every 2 hours, but I am trying out a differant incubator that you have to turn them... From what I've found out you need to turn them a minum of 3 times in 24 hours, Most things say to turn them 3-6 times... Hope this helps! Enjoy your incubating!

What does the egg incubator do?

Get a box add a blanket and get a lamp it must stay at 95 To 101 degrees you also must turn the egg three times a day it takes 21to 23 days to hatch to check if an egg is fertilized put it up to a flashlight if you see a blob it is probably fertilized

Quail egg or chicken egg will hatch faster in an incubator?

The chicken egg will likely hatch first. Quail eggs hatch in 21 to 23 days. Chicken eggs hatch in 21.

A chicken is hatched in an?

A chicken can be hatched from under the mother hen after 21 days of sitting on them, as long as the eggs are turned for the first 18 days, twice a day (morning and night). But, I think you are referring to an incubator, where you put fertilized eggs at a certain temperature, and turn them just as a mother hen would do. I have put a lot of eggs in my incubator, and most of them hatched, so you've got a good chance to hatching most eggs.