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It opens democratic processes and public control of media.

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Q: How does this access to media technology impact public life for people in these countries?
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What statement accurately describes the impact of technology on World War 1?

It allowed individuals to kill huge groups of enemies faster than ever before! (C)

What makes people passionate about technology?

Many things can impact the reasons of ones passion for Technology just like anything else. For me personally technology is not only the way forward but they have a sense of freedom about them. Anything is possible.

Which of the following information technology jobs involves managing data and making sure only authorized people can access that data when needed?

database administrator

How is the security of firm's information system and data affected by its people organisation and technology?

The security of a firm's information system and data is affected by people in the organization because people can leak the company's information. The organization has the duty of giving people access to its information system and therefore must set the appropriate boundaries.

What is the beneficial effect and harmful of the technology?

Technology has had a profound impact on various aspects of human life, and its effects can be both beneficial and harmful. It's important to note that the impact of technology can vary depending on how it is developed, deployed, and used. Here are some general points regarding the beneficial and harmful effects of technology: Beneficial Effects of Technology: Efficiency and Productivity: Benefit: Technology has significantly increased efficiency and productivity in various industries. Automation, advanced machinery, and software tools help streamline processes and reduce manual labor. Communication: Benefit: Technology has revolutionized communication, making it faster, easier, and more accessible. Instant messaging, email, video calls, and social media platforms connect people across the globe. Information Access: Benefit: The internet provides a vast amount of information at our fingertips. This has democratized knowledge, enabling people to access educational resources, news, and research. Medical Advancements: Benefit: Technology has led to significant advancements in healthcare, including improved diagnostics, treatment methods, and medical research. Telemedicine and health monitoring devices enhance patient care. Education: Benefit: Technology has transformed education through e-learning platforms, online resources, and interactive educational tools. It provides access to education regardless of geographical location. Innovation: Benefit: Technology fosters innovation, driving economic growth and creating new opportunities. It enables the development of new products, services, and industries. Harmful Effects of Technology: Job Displacement: Harm: Automation and artificial intelligence can lead to job displacement, especially in industries where manual labor is being replaced by machines. Privacy Concerns: Harm: The increasing collection and use of personal data raise concerns about privacy. Surveillance technologies and data breaches can compromise individuals' privacy. Social Isolation: Harm: While technology facilitates communication, excessive use can contribute to social isolation. People may spend more time interacting with screens than with each other in person. Environmental Impact: Harm: The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental pollution. Additionally, energy-intensive technologies can contribute to climate change. Cybersecurity Threats: Harm: The interconnected nature of digital systems exposes them to cyber threats. Hacking, data breaches, and other cybercrimes pose risks to individuals and organizations. Health Issues: Harm: Excessive screen time and sedentary behavior associated with technology can lead to health issues such as eye strain, sleep disturbances, and physical inactivity. Digital Divide: Harm: Not everyone has equal access to technology, creating a digital divide. Socioeconomic disparities can be exacerbated by differences in access to information and opportunities. In conclusion, the impact of technology is complex and multifaceted. While it brings about numerous benefits, there are also challenges and risks that need to be addressed to ensure responsible and ethical use. Society's ability to manage and mitigate the negative effects of technology will play a crucial role in shaping its future impact.

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Do most people have access to modern technology in Egypt?


What is the digital divide?

The term digital divide refers to the "gap" between those who have access to modern digital technology, and those who don't have access. It refers to the relative social status of different sections of society in the modern computer and information technology age. It refers to the gap between those with regular access to digital products, computers, and information technology and those without it. Specifically this applies to poorer sections of society, people living in remote areas away from big cities, and the large population of developing and underdeveloped countries. Most have no access to computers in education, nor other benefits of modern information technology, such as the internet.

Do most people in Pakistan have access to technology?

Somewhat. 10% of the nation has access to the internet while about 60% of the nation has access to a telephone.

Who has access to clean water?

Most people in developed countries.

What impact does technology have on writing music?

Some people use computers to write music.

What term is used when someone without access to technology?

It is called digital Divide. This is the gap created between people used to technology and those without technology.

How does technology impact society?

technology advances society in almost every way, from the hammer to the Ipod

What kind of technology does people in Brazil use?

People in Brazil use the same technology as we do. It might be more expensive there but they have the same stuff. EDIT: Technology available to Brazilians is (for the most part) the same as what is available to people living in countries such as the US, Canada, Europe, and other western countries. Usually the costs of technology in Brazil are higher than other countries, as well with a lower average income than countries like the US, Canada, and parts of Europe, it is harder for the "average" consumer to afford electronics and technology in Brazil.

How does modern life change old people's life?

Modern life can change the lives of older people by increasing access to technology, which can help them stay connected with loved ones, access information, and access services more easily. However, it can also create challenges such as social isolation and difficulties adapting to rapidly changing technology. Older people may also face pressure to keep up with the fast pace of modern life, which can impact their well-being.

How does technology impact us?

Nowadays, technology impact our lives constantly. We daily use mobile phones, computers, televisions, withdraw money from an ATM, some people use online banking, the list goes on and on.

How did the printing press impact the society?

Initially the greatest impact was that people could have and read their own bible. Then as ordinary people could have access to books reading and education increased.

What are causes of unequal access to ICT?

Disability Affordability, because as we all know most digital technology costs a high price today Remote location, such as in mountainous areas and "Third World" countries, where digital technology is one of the lowest priorities, and where it may be difficult to obtain such technology. Age, as elderly people nowadays will not have grown up about the technology we have today and will need teaching on how to use it