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Scientist or mathematician. Side note televangelist Oral Roberts was one of the first people to use computers for mailing lists in the early 60's.

cw: Physiological psychologists had used the Computer of Average Transients (CAT) in the 1950's. That CAT is not today's CAT. (My cat has whiskers.) It wasn't a general purpose computer.

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Q: In early 1950 a typical computer end user would have been a?
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When was object oriented programming invented?

Making it's appearance in the late 1950's and early 1960's, object-oriented programming (OOP) was developed and first used at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

What was the first commercial electrionic computer?

The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I) was the first commercial computer produced in the United States. It was designed principally by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the inventors of the ENIAC. Design work was begun by their company, Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation, and was completed after the company had been acquired by Remington Rand. (In the years before successor models of the UNIVAC I appeared, the machine was simply known as "the UNIVAC".) The first UNIVAC was delivered to the United States Census Bureau on March 31, 1951, and was dedicated on June 14 that year.[1] The fifth machine (built for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission) was used by CBS to predict the result of the 1952 presidential election. With a sample of just 1% of the voting population it correctly predicted that Dwight Eisenhower would win. The UNIVAC I computers were built by Remington Rand's UNIVAC-division (successor of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation, bought by Rand in 1950).

When was the internet invented and used?

There are potentially different answers to this. The origins of what we know now as the internet, go back to the 1960s, to a system called Arpanet. The first message sent was on the 29th of October 1969. The first e-mails were sent in 1971. You can come up to the 1st of January 1983, when the TCP/IP protocol was introduced, marking the start of the modern internet. Through the 1980s and 1990s, many significant events occurred in relation to the development of the internet. The World Wide Web started in 1991 for example. It is what most people think of as being the internet, but it is just one element of it. So, there are many important dates and even now there continue to be events that are important for the internet that bring it further forward.

What was The first company to sell a computer and when?

This answer might not be accurate but... i want to give anyone as close to accurate as i can. I'm gonna have to say that the Nokia company was one of the first to sell the US computer. If that is not right I apologize in advance. You can always do a background check on my answer though to see if it is right. Who12

Who is known as the father of modern digital computers and why?

Charles Babbage was considered to be the father of computing after his invention and concept of the Analytical Engine in 1837. The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), basic flow control, and integrated memory; hailed as the first general-purpose computer concept.