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object program

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Q: The instructions that come out of the compiler or assembler ready to run on he computer -also called object code is known as?
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Assembler directives in microprocessor?

Manual coding of 8086 is difficult hence we use a assembler or a compiler. Note that the microprocessor should be able to interpret your discussions via the program. Suppose if the instruction corresponds to word(16 bits), we use assembler directive WORD PTR, but when assembler is contacting the processor it sets a bit called 'w' indicating its a byte operation.

Are programs that translate the source code to object code?

False. A compiler converts source code into object code.

What is a programme or set of instruction called?

a program is called a program. a set of instructions is called a manual.

What is the term for instructions that tell a computer what to do?

The instructions for a computer are called programs.

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How was the first compiler programmed?

The first compiler couldn't be compiled since there were obviously no compilers! It had to be assembled, using assembly language and an assembler. Once you have one compiler, you can easily write others. Today, most compilers are written using C++, including the C++ compiler itself (the original was written in C, of course).

How do you change source code into machine code?

A program called a compiler, or sometimes an assembler (depending on the programming language) does this for you. You write the source code, then invoke the program that will convert this into machine language.

What is a set of instructions called?

Set of instructions is called a PROGRAM. And set of program is called a SOFTWARE.

What set of instructions tell the computer what to do?

A program is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. In the computer, those instructions are called opcodes and make up an instruction set.

What is the list of instructions for opening your computer?

These would be the instructions you get when you buy the computer. Usually called the users manual.

What is a set of instructions or handled or commands for a computer called?

A set of instructions or commands is called a program.

What are special instructions that control the activities of a computer?

The special instructions that control the activities of a computer are called programs. A program is a series of instructions written in a way the computer understands.