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There are many web codes for BABV! To enter them go to the Town Square and enter the BABW Workshop. Then click on the bear behind the counter. There are many codes but here's a website for codes and other things in BABV:

It is completely free and open for anyone to see! You can also make an account ont eh website!

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Q: Web codes for Build-a-Bearville
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Can you get Build-a-Bearville codes?

Yes you can! There are cheat codes all over the web for codes over buildabearville! there are about 50. If you want to see some of these codes go to hope this helps! CS

How do you get web codes on build-a-bearville?

You can find them on the internet, you tube videos, or codes form buildabear stores! Have fun!

What are all the web codes for Build-a-Bearville?

Well.....there are a few sites which give lots of buildabearville web codes.I found out that some of them dont work but that doesnt matter because i am sure you will find the rest that helps and if you would like to know anything else please contact me i am on buildabearville all the time, asia, bear bridge thanks xxxxx

Are there any web codes that work?

There are some that work, you can google "buildabearville cheat codes" and it will give you a whole list. Some might have expired, or have already been used, but there are some that work. HOPE THIS HELPED!

Move codes for Build-a-Bearville?

change your password on buildabearville

How do you be a free member on build a bear-ville?

Sorry there is no buildabearville codes like that, Sorry. I tried it. Add me, I'm AllisonRocknRoll1 on buildabearville!

Can you give build a bear codes?

Yes there are codes for build a bears codes for clothes on build a bear ville and codes for bears on buildabearville

What are some activation codes to adopt a bear on Buildabearville or to get free stuff?

All the codes have been expired.

Build a bear cheats codes that did not been used?

if you go to www.2010 cheats you'll see all the buildabearville codes that were ever made.

What are some cheat codes for recipt numbers for buildabearville?

get a build a bear and you're sure to get a recipt code!

How do you use Build-a-Bearville codes?

buildabearville codes can be bought or given free with a purchase of something else. you can get a free buildabearville welcome pass without buying anything. to use the codes, you would usually go online to the buildabearville website ( log on to your account, go to town square that can be found on the map, go into the virtual buildabear store that has a bear with a hat in front of the store ( bearemy ) click on the bear behind the counter, click on enter codes or redeem codes ( something similar to that ) and type in your code! occasionally they will have a celebration of somewhat or the supporting of a company in which you can buy a code to get something virtual on buildabearville. when this happens, sometimes you have to enter the code someplace other than the virtual buildabear store and they will tell you where.

Where can you get moves on buildabearville?

go onto, they have all sorts of codes 4 build a bear. including moves.