Neopets and Club Penguin are similar sites like Millsberry. Runescape, Habbo, Toontown are also great sites where you can play games like on Millsberry.
Please only ask answerable questions.
there are more then 30 levels!! i know that for sure :)
Try edmodo
NO! i learned that the hard way and it wasted a lot of millsbucks. DON'T DO IT UNLES YOU WANT TO BE POOR
Erm...Club Penguin and Habbo-they are all I know of.
Yes like
Pet pet park is one.
yeah, theres vfk ( virtual family kingdom )
club penguin,panfu,fantage and faunasphere.moshi monsters,too.
nicktropolis poptropica millsberry barbiegirls well that's all i could think of hope it helped ya
stardoll haboo fantage nicktropolis millsberry coolcamel myspace yuniti zwinkycuties girlsense bratz.
You can't millsberry. That's like saying ''how do you beat club penguin''. There is no ending to Millsberry. Like a last level but you can beat games and other stuff in Millsberry. Please rate me 5/5 stars!
Yes! My favorite is: There's also Webkinz ,Fantage[Most like Clubpenguin], marapets, and games2girls. There's also millsberry.
You don't really attend Millsberry Academy. You just go there and do stuff like buy lunch and go to the school store.
there is facebook,myspace,millsberry,,vmx,xivio,disney,and clubpenguin.i hope those work.good luck
poptropica or or dress up but i really miss millsberry a lot