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Am I going to eat it all, do I like the type of meat (which animal does it come from), does it have enough fat on it or too much, how am I going to cook it, does it look appetizing (not grey, does it look dyed red, dried out,...), can I store it until I use it, do I have the ingredients to go with it for the recipe, what is the ratio of meat mass to bone mass, does it cost more than a similar amount of prepackaged or frozen, will I be able to use the bone for something else (do I have a dog, can I cut it up for crafts,...)

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Q: What factors will you consider when buying a joint of meat?
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How does the flash mind reader work?

ok so u hav seen it on one more level maybe but its fake baloney nothin but meat

Computers have the capacity to take over the world why or why not?

They might, it depends on the creators of those computers and what they will make them do next. Computers are already doing a lot of things now that if the world didn't have any power people would be in trouble.

HOW MUCH brain does computer have?

Question is not valid. That's like saying how much deer meat is in potato soup. The correct way to phrase the question is" "How much memory does a computer have?" Which the answer to the revised question would be: "Depends on the type of computer you have. There is no set maximum amount, except for the set amount that the computer itself can handle. You can have anywhere between 128 (or less) megabytes of RAM or disk space to 4 GB of RAM and 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,...etc. terabytes of disk space (namely an infinite amount of diskspace).

What is the traditional food for Beijing China?

In Beijing, the capital city of China, there exists a rich and diverse culinary heritage that spans centuries. The quintessential dish that comes to mind when discussing traditional food in Beijing is undoubtedly Peking Duck. This delectable dish is renowned for its succulent meat and crispy skin, often accompanied by an array of accompaniments such as hoisin sauce, scallions, and pancakes. However, Beijing's gastronomy does not end there. Other time-honored dishes include Zhajiangmian, a noodle dish featuring a thick and savory soybean paste sauce; Jiaozi, or Chinese dumplings, which are filled with various ingredients like minced pork and vegetables; and Beijing-style Hot Pot, a communal meal where diners cook meat, seafood, and vegetables in a bubbling broth at the table. Beijing's traditional cuisine is characterized by a variety of dishes, with Peking Duck taking center stage as the city's iconic dish. This culinary heritage showcases the region's history, culture, and flavors, making it a memorable experience for those who have the opportunity to indulge in it.

What was the earliest form of technology?

Stone tools and fire were most likely the earliest forms of technology, as when they were first invented it would have revolutionised their way of life (e.g. able to cook and eat meat safely, not just berries e.t.c.) The first form of computing or robotics was a computer made by Charles Babbage in the 1930's (Please note this last paragraph may need refining).

Related questions

What is loin?

a joint of meat

What is 'meat on the hoof'?

Buying "meat on the hoof" means purchasing an entire animal and having it butchered for meat rather than buying just packages. Buying "meat on the hoof" means purchasing an entire animal and having it butchered for meat rather than buying just packages.

How can buying vegetables be cheaper than buying meat for schools?

Meat is generally quite expensive, and even though it is meat for school dinners, it is still meat, which is generally more expensive than veg.

What are the guidelines in buying meat?

ambot oi piste

What is the word for tying up a joint of meat called?


Is aligator consider to be meat or fish?

Alligators are not a seafood because they are not sea creatures.

What does freezer ready mean when buying meat?

Cut and wrapped.

What is hamhock made out of?

The ham hock is the meat from the leg joint of a pig.

Does sushimi have meat in it?

Sushimi is fish. So if you consider fish a meat, yes, it has meat in it. If you are a vegetarian and eat fish, no it would not.

Is fish consider a meat to everyone?

No its considered a fish

What factors should you consider before purchasing a burger?

Factors that you should consider before purchasing a burger include the type of burger you want and the additional ingredients that come with it. For example, you can choose between meat patties, angus beef, and even veggie patties. You can also add and subtract additional ingredients such as bacon, cheese, and jalapenos.

What would you be buying if you went into a boucherie?

Meat. It's a french butchers.