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011100111 it just uses 0 and 1 to get info

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Q: What in computer terms is the use of a number in a formula?
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When converting the mols measurement into atomic weight (or vice-versa). Since there are 6.02x10^26 atoms in a mol. There are some keywords you can look for to determine whether or not you need to use Avogadro's number. Look for the keywords ions, molecules, moles (IF grams [g] to moles), and formula units in the question. If the question is asking for any of these terms or involves any of those terms, Avogadro's number will be necessary to use.

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An easy to use glossary of computer and Internet terms with definitions that are easy to understand. Terms and definitions relating to computer, technology, Internet resources and much more.

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The average energy consumption of a flat computer screen can be calculated by the following formula. Multiply 50 the number of hours of use time and divide it by 1000, that is how many kilowatts/ hour a flat computer screen uses energy.

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The first computer to use the binary number system was probably the Z1, started by Konrad Zuse in 1936. It was a mechanical computer, not fully programmable, but is still considered a computer.

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