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A computer program contains instructions, to be executed by a computer.

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Q: What is a computer program made of?
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What are the reasons for errors in computer program?

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A program meant to damage your computer, made by hackers like Sean Aroniss.

How is a computer program made?

A program is basically developed like a book according to what I've learned you tell it what to do and publish it to a computer or 2 and it;ll take care of the rest.

What is a apps?

a computer program that can be made to do many things, It's Short for application.

What were the discoveries the Apollo program made?

Air bags, computer chips, insulation

What is a app?

a computer program that can be made to do many things, It's Short for application.

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Freehand drawings can be made on any piece of paper anywhere. Computer Aided Design drawings are only made on a computer and are confined to what the computer program will do

What is a tiny picture on a computer screen?

Each picture on a computer is made out of pixels that appear on your computer. Tiny pictures could be avatars or program shortcuts.

If Trojan multiplies what kind of destroying action do they do?

If a Trojan computer virus multiplies is can change into a program that is made specificallyÊto destroy a computer. Some Trojan computer viruses are made to infect multiple computers.

When creating a computer program who is design the structure of the program in a computer system?

when creating a computer program, system analyst design the structure of the program

How long after a computer program is made does copyright apply?

Assuming that it qualifies for protection, copyright applies as soon as the program is finished and the file is saved.