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Don't try it in real life -- the batteries will become extremely hot and catch fire. Theoretically, the circuit is not allowed -- fundamentally impossible.

Each battery can be thought of as a voltage source in series with a variable resistance (the internal resistance of the battery). If you connect these in parallel, the 12 volt battery will attempt to bring the parallel voltage up to 12 volts. To do so, it will push current out to the other two batteries. The other two batteries will supply their respective voltage to try to counteract this. They will begin to heat up; As the 12 volt battery supplies current above what it is designed to provide, its' internal resistance will increase, causing an increased voltage drop inside the battery (causing more heating in the 12 volt battery), which causes the 12 volts it is trying to push out to drop to closer to the other batteries voltages. the 2.5 and 6 volt batteries' internal resistances will also increase as they accept the current from the 12 volt battery, allowing the parallel voltage to increase to closer to what the 12 volt battery wants. This will continue until only one battery survives, most likely.

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Q: What is the total voltage if 12v 6v and 2.5v batteries are connected in parallel?
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When 2 resistors are connected in parallel r1r2 are?

Two resistors connected in parallel are 1/2 the sum of their resistance. The resistance of two resistors connected in series is the sum of their resistance. For example: The total resistance of a 100 ohm resistor connected to a 200 ohm resistor in parallel is 100+200 divided by 2 = 150 ohms. The total resistance of a 100 ohm resistor connected to a 200 ohm resistor in series 100+200= 300 ohms.

In series circuit is currant change with change in resistance?

V=IR where V is voltage, I is current and R is resistance. You want to know what the current will be in a series circuit based on the resistance. You need to know the voltage as well as the resistance, gives you the equation as follows I=V/R So if you have 10 volts and a 1 ohm resistor, the current will be 10 amps. If you increase the resistor to 10 ohms, your current will then be 1 amp. In a parallel circuit, the resistance is equal to the sum of the inverse. For example. If I have two resistors of 2 ohms each in parallel, the equation would be 1/2 + 1/2 = 0.5 + 0.5 = 1 In that particular instance, your current would increase.

A 100 amp 3 phase power supply is good for how many total amps?

100 amps to a 3 phase load. Power = 100A x Voltage x 1.73 ((line to line voltage)(1.73=SQRT(3)). 173 amps to each of 3 single phase (line to line) loads. Power = 173A x Voltage (line to line voltage). or... 100 amps to each of 3 single phase (line to neutral) load. Power = 300A x Voltage (line to neutral voltage). Example: - 3 phase, 480v, 100amp to a 3 phase heater. 100A x 480V x 1.73 = 83040 watts. - 3 single phase 480v (L-L voltage) heaters, 100amp. 173A x 480V = 83040 watts. - 3 single phase 277v (L-N voltage) heaters, 100amp. 300A x 277V = 83100 watts.

Device used to determine the presence of an electrical charge is called?

There are, to my knowledge, two devices which can be used to measure electrical charge (I know your question asked for a device which determined the presence of an electrical charge but this achieves the same thing). These are the Ammeter and the voltmeter.1). Measuring electrical charge with an ammeterIn order to determine the electrical charge with an ammeter, you attach the device to an electrical circuit IN SERIES (this is important and will be explained at the end of this answer). This will then give you a reading of the number of amps, or coulombs per second. You can then use basic mathematics to determine the charge here as I will now demonstrate,Because we know that I = Q÷t (where I is the current in amps or the equivalent unit coulombs per second, Q is the charge in coulombs and t is the time in seconds), we are able to re-arrange this to calculate the value of Q,I = Q÷t=I×t = Q÷t×t=I×t = Qt÷t (note that the t variable will cancel out on the right hand side of the equals sign because t÷t = 1 and Q×1 = Q)=I×t = QTherefore the general formula to calculate the charge is,Q = I×tHowever in this particular problem, we can assume t = 1 because I is measured in amps or (more significantly) coulombs per second, i.e. C/t. Note that this formula can also be used to calculate the total electrical charge used in t seconds (where t doesn't equal 1)2). Measuring electrical charge with a voltmeterIt is possible to calculate the electrical charge of a circuit with knowledge of the voltage to a circuit; however it is important to note the following,-1. The total resistance of a series circuit = R1 +R2 + Rn-2. The total resistance of a parallel circuit = (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/Rn)-1-3. Because some circuits contain both parallel and series components, you may need to apply the above two formulas to different parts of the same circuit and then add those numbers together to arrive at the total resistance of a circuit with both series and parallel components.-4. There is a constant current for each and every component of a series circuit.-5. There is a variable voltage for each and every component of a series circuit.-6. There is a constant voltage for each and every component of a parallel circuit.-7. There is a variable current for each and every component of a parallel circuit.Armed with this knowledge, you can then calculate the charge in the circuit by first calculating the total amount of resistance in the circuit. We then need to input this number into ohms law (which is V = I×R) and then solving for I (which will be the total current),V=I×R=V÷R = I×R÷R=V÷R = I×1=I = V÷ROnce we have the total current used in the circuit, it is then possible to calculate the total charge by the formula Q =I×t (as explained in part one).There probably are other devices which can be used; however I am not aware of them.

What does ahr mean?

If you mean the biological gene ahR, it's Aryl hydrocarbon receptor. There is also a river called the Ahr in Germany. Or, in batteries "A*Hr" is Amp-Hours, a measure of the total amount of energy that can be stored/discharged from a battery.

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How are circuits connected when you are using more than one battery?

The batteries can be connected in parallel or in series. In parallel, good batteries of the same voltage will have a total voltage across them equal to the voltage across one of them. Those batteries in series will have a total voltage equal to the sum of the voltage of each of the batteries.

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When batteries are connected in parallel, the voltage remains the same as the voltage of a single battery. This is because the positive terminals are connected together and the negative terminals are connected together, so the voltage across each battery remains constant.

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When two identical 3v batteries are connected in series with the negative terminal of one of them in contact with the positive terminal of the other the total voltage of the combination is 6v.

Three cells have voltage of 15V 18V and 20 V What is the total voltage of the cells when they are connected in parallel?

Sources with different voltages should never be connected in parallel, you would have a difference of potential. Any time you have a difference of potential connected together you will have sparks, which could cause the batteries to explode.

What is the volts when 1.5v. batteries are wired in series as the total source.?

All batteries connected in series have additive voltages. All same voltage batteries connected in parallel have the same voltage as one of the parallel battery but their amp hour capacity is increased. Example series wound batteries of four 1.5v batteries, would lite a big 6v flashlight. (all 1.5v batteries = Et= 1.5v x4=6volts). That is the big square battery to lite square flashlights.

What is the volts when 1.5v. batteries are wired in series as the total source?

All batteries connected in series have additive voltages. All same voltage batteries connected in parallel have the same voltage as one of the parallel battery but their amp hour capacity is increased. Example series wound batteries of four 1.5v batteries, would lite a big 6v flashlight. (all 1.5v batteries = Et= 1.5v x4=6volts). That is the big square battery to lite square flashlights.

What happens to the voltage if batteries if they are setup in a parallel and a series circuit?

Assuming all of the individual batteries are the same voltage, if arranged in a parallel circuit the voltage is the same as any one battery. If arranged in a series circuit the voltage will be the sum (the total) of all of the batteries added together.

Can you change eight 6 volt batteries for four 12 volts in a golf cart and is it worth it?

That would depend how they are connected. Are all Eight 6 volt batteries connected in series giving a total output voltage of 48V. Or are they connected with 2 sets of 4 batteries in parallel then connected in series to give a 24V output.

If Four 12 voltsbatteries connected in parallel and one 12 volt battery in series how much voltage is active across circuit?

A == B (- 12V +) (- 12V +) (- 12V +) A single 12V battery in series with 4x 12V batteries connected in parallel... Total voltage from A to B is 24 volts! Note that the single battery in series will limit the total current capacity to that of a single battery.

What would be the total voltage in a circuit that has two 6 volt batteries connected in series?

4 amperes. The voltage adds when batteries are connected in series. If they are the same voltage then the voltage doubles. Using Ohm's law: V = I*R with the voltage doubling and resistance being the same you get I = 2V/R and where V/R was your initial current you get I = 2*2ampers = 4 ampreres

How do you connect two batteries to work as one?

Type your answer here... To use two batteries as a single power source, you have to connect the positive to the negative and the remaining negative to ground. The remaining positive goes to the red positive cable. The batteries are now in a series circuit. If you use two 6 volt batteries the total voltage is 12 volts. If you use 2 12 volt batteries the total voltage is 24 volts. If you hook the batteries both negative to negative and positive to positive you have made a parallel circuit. Batteries in a parallel circuit cancel each other out. Two 6 volt batteries in parallel have a total voltage of 0 volts. klb

How many volts do 3 AA batteries supply?

A single AA battery will produce 1.5 volts. In series the voltage is additive. In parallel the voltage remains the same but the batteries total capacity is increased.