

Can you feed pet mice carrots?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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12y ago

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Yes but you might want to get the unsalted ones.
Yes they can ( unsalted ) They can take the shell off and probably like it more if they don't have to ....

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Q: Can you feed pet mice carrots?
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No. Anoles eat insects. If you have a pet anole you can feed it crickets, which are commonly sold for that purpose at pet stores.

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feed it lots of carrots,groom it, take it on walks,and pet it alot

If you catch a mouse in your house can you then feed it to your pet snake?

Of course you can feed it to your pet snake. it would be happy to get live food once in a while. Unless its a pet mouse of a family member or something. you can still feed it to your pet snake, but I'd bet that family member wouldn't like that. /Poyoyun - forgot to login >.<

Do mice like carrots?

Mice love vegetables, because they would eat vegetables in the wild. They especially love lettuce, carrots, celery and broccoli. You should be careful about any chemicals that are on the vegetables before you give them to your mice, as some chemicals can make them very ill. Don't feed your mice citrus fruits like tomatoes, oranges and lemons.

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What to feed field mice?

Don't feed field mice cheese! Cheese is actually toxic to any mouse! You can feed field mice the following things: Apples, carrots, pears, Peaches, peppers, Potatoes, tomatoes, seeds, Oats, barley, corn, beans, peas, bread, cookies, walnuts, peanuts, Almonds, chestnuts, macaroni ( cooked / non cooked) , dog foods, Cat foods. Pretty much anything that a human eats, mice eat the same thing! I know this because I have a pet field mouse!

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Hamster feed (seeds)you can get at any pet store, vegetables like carrots, lettuce, fruits like apples and pears.

Can you buy dead mice i dont want to feed live mice to my pet?

ask in your local pet store as most have them frozen if not they should know a place that do. p.s if your pet is a snake it would be good to give them alive mice every once and a while to stimulate them as they would hunt and eat live mice in the wild.

What do you feed a baby Garden snake over night?

if you can not provide mice, you can feed it about three small worms twice weekly. how much it will eat depends on the temperature it is stored in.

What do pet mice like as a treet?

All mice like different things. You can feed them things like fruit and vegies (greens, apples, carrots, lettuce ect.) You can buy treats from the pet store also. My mice are big fans of lettuce, whole grain bread broken into chunks and sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds and whole grain bread are great but are fatty so don't feed it to them too often. Avoid feeding them junkfood like chips, chocolate and candy as this can be toxic to them. Avoid feeding cheese 2 as mice tend to only like the smell.

What do you feed your 2 wild pet mice?

they eat any house food.... but you can give them cheese! --melissa