Try formatting the drive.
no. formatting a hard drive means completely removing all files, including windows...
If your OS is installed on that drive yes the OS will be deleted but if your OS is on another hdd then the OS wont be deleted unless you format that other drive. if drive C: has your OS and everything else on it and you format that it will all removed nothing will be left behind. But say you had Drive I: with your OS on it and drive C: with all other data on it and your formatted drive c you would not remove the OS unless you formatted drive I:
Yes all drivers are deleted is all other programes on the the hard drive. Basically you are starting with a blank canvas. All that remains is the information required by the computer to start. no programs or operating system Ensure all important information stored on the hard disk is backed up before formatting. After formatting it is advisable to install the most up to date drivers available for the respective hardware.
The term formatting or re-formatting is use when you are talking about a large area like a whole hard drive. For instance you could format your hard drive and it would be wiped clean and then you would have to re-format it to get it to work again. Deleting data is used when you are talking about deleted something small like a program (uninstall) or deleting old word documents.
it does not work because the flash drive is formatting, which will to complet eradication of every suff in the fash drive.
You can Format all drives. While formatting drives, when you format C Drive all the ntldr files and important OS files will get deleted. Or you can reboot the computer.
Yes. "Formatting" implies removing any partitions from the drive.
Yes, formatting a computer hard drive will delete the operating system.
By formatting the hard drive.
Yes, Surely it will remove everything on hard drive. Formatting a hard drive means to remove everything on hard drive. If you are formatting only a specific drive like C:\ or D:\ then the data in only that drive will be removed.