The animal is a bandicoot. Would you like to know the rest of the Animals in Australia worksheet answers? Here they are: 1) marsupial 2) koala 3) eucalyptus 4) kangaroo 5) wallaby 6) wombat 7) dugong 8) platypus 9) emu 10) echidna 11) skink 12) dingo 13) cassowary 14) kukaburro 15) bandicoots 16) lyrebird 17) Tasmanian devil 18) weaverbird
7 letter marsupials are:wallabydibblerningauibettongpotoroodunnartkultarr
The platypus is an unusual egg-laying mammal of Australia.The planigale is a small, mouse-like carnivorous marsupial of Australia.
No,its a small marsupial
A woylie is a small marsupial
The marsupial is an "antechinus", which is a small pouched animal like a mouse or shrew.
No. The bilby is quite small. The largest marsupial is the red kangaroo.
Yes: a dunnart is a small, mouse-sized, carnivorous marsupial found mainly in Australia.
An opossum will do that.
A bandicoot is a small ratlike marsupial.
The small bearish Australian marsupial is a koala.
A small marsupial; It looks something like a baby kangaroo