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The average energy consumption of a flat computer screen can be calculated by the following formula. Multiply 50 the number of hours of use time and divide it by 1000, that is how many kilowatts/ hour a flat computer screen uses energy.

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Q: What is the average energy consumption of a flat computer screen?
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What type of energy does a computer screen produce?

Your computer screen uses the same type of energy as any other electronic appliance: electricity.

What energy does TV use?

TVs typically use electrical energy, which powers the electronics and backlighting of the screen. The energy consumption of a TV can vary depending on factors such as screen size, display technology, brightness settings, and usage time. Some TVs also have energy-saving features to help reduce power consumption.

What is the estimated mass of an average flat screen computer monitor?


Computer energy save?

Some ways to save energy on a computer are to shut it off when you don't need it, or to put it in sleep moode when you are not using it for long periods of time. Something most people don't know is that it takes more energy for a computer to display a lighter-colored screen, so using a darker-colored background or screen will actually help to save some energy.

How do you prevent getting headaches from being on the computer?

Don't spend too much time using it at once. Get a screen guard to darken it. Here is another suggestion. If you get a headache from the computer screen it is likely you are photosensitive, i.e., more sensitive to light than the average person. The average computer's built in controls will not darken the screen enough for you to avoid headaches. SHADES is an excellent tool that you can download to add greater control to darken the screen. See related link.

What energy refers to energy sources that release very small amounts of greenhouse gases?

Renewable energy. (Our manufacture [and consumption] of flat-screen TVs needs an extremely potent GreenHouse Gas! - only a mere 98.8 percent of it is recovered.)

Why does a computer screen looks like a TV?

Because the computer screen works like a tv screen

How many light bulbs does it take to make a computer screen?

no there is not thousands of light bulbs on a computer screen. Instead there is a projector built in the computer projecting whatever for example google and then it appears on your screen. It is very clever i think personally

Video does not turn on while computer is on?

Is your computer screen plugged in? Make sure your computer screen is properly connected to your computer.

How do you get on the computer?

OK so you see a screen and there is a keyboard in front of it that is a COMPUTER! You turn on the screen and you got on a computer!

Can you look at your computer screen and see yourself?

can you see your self on computer screen.

Cost of flat screen computer screens?

The average flat screen monitor cost about 200 dollars. These monitors come in all different shapes and sizes. The average monitor is a 22 inch monitor, that offers full color.