Labs from universities can offer computer rentals to students. You can check the website of your local university, e.g. the Utah Valley University or consult the local student office for price informaton.
Numerous online businesses offer rentals of Anritsu test equipment, including ATEC-Rentals, metrictest, Electro Rent, Livingston Global, Instrument Rental Labs and JM Test.
Once approved, this software is then made available for use by students and faculty in the computer classrooms and labs.
High exam results! Also, how many students attend, if there are good facilities (computer labs, cafeterias, how many toilets etc) and what students think of the school.
Voodoo Labs offers accessories for instruments which are designed to enhance the instruments sound and quality. Voodoo Labs claims to offer exceptional customer service for its products.
Harvard is the top rated medical university in the United States. MIT does not offer the large and top labs that Harvard has.
CCIE rack rentals are available at Ipexpert, CCIE Rack Online and Best CCIE Lab. They can also be found at Net Cert Labs, CC Online Labs, Proctor Labs and Giga Velocity.
The invention of the computer in the 1900s had a significant impact on public schools. It led to the introduction of educational software, online resources, and computer labs in schools, changing the way students learn and teachers instruct.
Unfortunately, I think you're looking for a list that doesn't exist. Aside from the fact that computers are expensive, a computer is probably one of the best purchases a student can make! A computer allows a student to be far more efficient and the majority of post secondary courses only accept electronic submissions now so a student would need a computer to submit work. Granted, most post secondary institutions offer computer labs for students to use but only during certain hours and these labs almost always provide a noisy, distracting environment. Being a student myself I avoid these labs at all costs. You should assume that Professors are assuming every student in their class owns (and probably has with them) a laptop. They will assign online reading materials as such and nobody wants to spend hours in the computer lab with 50 other people trying to read "Calculations involving the intersections of lines and spheres in three dimensional space". Not owning a personal computer would put a student at a significant disadvantage when comparing them to their classmates.
SynchronEyes software provide teachers and instructors the ability to monitor and teach students in computer labs. It is a great tool for teachers to give out instructions for individuals or the entire class at once.
Kapersky Labs, headquartered in Russia, develops computer security products. Their products can be purchased directly by the consumer or are sometimes integrated into products from other companies. Kapersky Labs is also the sponsor of SecureList which educates the public about computer security.
Science Lab Supplies and Fisher Sci are two companies that offer chemical supplies for school labs to purchase in singles as well as bulks. Both offer discounts for schools.
These labs have multiple computers which are usually networked, and the labsβ goal is to encourage young minds to be curious and creative. The number of devices, constantly changing users, and nature of activity make such labs an easy point of entry for threat actors.