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Not necessarily, for example the man highest IQ, Nikola Tesla died at 86 years old.

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Q: Do those with high IQs tend to die early?
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It is their intelligence quotient, the high the score that smarter the person.

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No. 121 is a high IQ. Many actors have very high IQs

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How are our IQ measured?

It is measuring natural intellegence. A test measures how much some one studies as well as intellegence, and also how much they looked up. IQ measures how fast you think, if you think right, your memorization, and a variety of other things. People with extensive photographic memory tend to have very high IQs.

Can an 8 year-old-boy suspected of having Asperger's Syndrome be mistaken for a high IQ child?

A child with Asperger's Syndrome can be a child with a high IQ. People with Asperger's Syndrome typically have average to high IQs.

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What does it mean if my IQ is 154?

What an IQ of 154 really means is simply: People with IQ's of 120 and above tend to staff the professions as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and college professors. They fall in the upper 10% of the population. But there are also people with very high IQs that never reach mental maturity and simply do not apply themselves. You can find people with high IQs working in low paying jobs as well as high paying ones. It is like a teacher would say "He/she is very smart, but they just do not apply themselves". The "average" IQ is: 100 to 111. It is the "average" because the frequency is 50%. Typical Educability is 12th-Grade to College Degree.

What is an average IQ score of a lawyer?

Although there is no very reliable study of the average IQ of lawyers, most estimates place it between 115 and 130, in the "high normal" to "superior" range. Of course, since that's the average, that means there are lawyers with IQs below that and also lawyers with IQs above that.