She had 2 children and had a good doctor's face. How could this prolific serial killer go undetected for so long? The answers lie in a story that began in earnest over fifty years ago - in a government-owned red brick terrace house in the north of England. Fifty is a long time to live this kind of life. The following case reveals the difficulty in detecting murder by poison, as well as the addictive nature of the crime. It should also be noted that 6 months before Shipman was finally brought to trial he was exonerated by an investigation undertaken by two police detectives. This enquiry was conducted following the official voicing of suspicions raised by the high mortality rate among Dr. Harold Shipman's patients. But the English police officers chose to accept the word of the doctor under investigation rather than the undeniable evidence of the Death Rate among those he treated.
No. Dr. Harold Shipman was not a kidnapper; rather, he poisoned an estimated 250 of his patients, many of whom died in their homes, thinking that their beloved doctor was only doing what was best for them.
i know they all smoke and chris smokes marajuana (sp.?) chris used to do ecstacy and pain killers. i also heard he does coke now to. his ex-girlfriend kristin krewson said he got into somethings and he didnt want to listen to anybody who didnt want him doing these things.
You don't. Anybody who should be doing it knows how. Anybody who should not do it, doesn't.
Pretty much anybody can do witchcraft if they believe in what they are doing.
they are helpin by protesting and people realize that is wrong what they are doing.
Spend as much free time as you can with friends, doing fun stuff. Watch lots of funny movies, and keep yourself busy. You didnt need them to be happy before, distract yourself and you'll realize you still dont need them now.
When enough people start to bother about it!
Yes; it increases your knowledge in a class whether your realize it or not.
For doing, or failing to do, WHAT? Anybody can sue anyone for anything.
anybody that owns or is doing it.. so basically the starter or bigginer.
Because he didnt think right about what he was doing
No. Because they are not doing the work of the devil, but the work of God in Jesus which is faith.