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Eggs should not effect your colitis. You should follow your doctors advise about diet at all times but it would be unusual for eggs to exacerbate colitis. Eggs can even be part of a liquid diet for the nutritional value they contain.

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Q: Are eggs ok to eat when you have colitis?
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To cure colitis, you would need to seek professional care. To treat it as best as possible, you would need to eat certain foods and avoid certain foods that are on the colitis list.

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There are no dietary restrictions for colitis. Avoidance of milk and diary products and highly spiced food can sometimes help some patients with colitis.

Where can I find advice on diets for ulcerative colitis? is an excellent article full of information on what to eat and what to avoid when troubled by ulcerative colitis.

Do you have to cook scotch eggs from the packet or is it ok to eat them as they are?

They actually taste better straight out of the pack as cooking them dries them out slightly.

Are eggs good to eat after 6 weeks in refrigerator?

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Ulcerative colitis can be a horrible disease to have, but there are things that you can eat to help the situation.���ulcerative-colitis/���creating-an-ulcerative-colitis-plan

What is the best diet for colitis prevention?

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sharks do not eat eggs. they will eat other sharks' eggs though