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Yes, standing up while eating does not significantly change your activity level and it would also depend on what you ate (every food has a different amount of calories).

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12y ago

You burn calories just maintaining your body temperature and breathing . . . so, yes.

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Q: If you stand up while eating do the calories count?
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Why healthy eating can save your life?

Eating healthy can save your life in many different ways. For instance, eating too many calories can make you overweight, while eating not enough calories can make you underweight.

What foods help maintain your abbs?

eating a 1400 calories diet while you work out

Is it true if you stand up while your eating it gives you gas?

Yes. it really does.

Can you lose weight while eating carbs from fruits and vegetables?

Yes You can lose weight eating anything as long as you are burning more calories than you are taking in.

Why do you feel bad while you are on a diet?

You should not feel bad when you are on a diet. If you are feeling ill, you are probably not eating enough calories.

What is an effective weight loss eating plan?

The most important thing is to watch your calories-while many weight loss plans emphasize that you shouldnt count, in the case of a short time limit, you need to make sure you are burning more than you are ingesting. Keep your calories under 1200 a day, and make sure you eat a healthy breakfast to raise your metabolism.

Why Eating better but gaining weight?

while you are eating better you're still eating too much. the average person needs only 2000 calories to maintain their weight. if you're getting over that and not burning them off you'll gain weight. for every 3500 extra calories you gain one pound of fat.

Count Calories While You Eat?

If you are trying to count calories in your meals, then you need to have a calorie diet plan. One of the things you can do to monitor how any calories you take in is by writing them down. Keep track of everything you eat and drink and keep your total calorie intake below a certain level. A doctor will be able to give you a specific number of calories that you need to consume each day for weight loss.

Get a Computer Stand to Lose Weight?

Standing up can burn 115 calories per hour while sitting down can burn 75 calories per hour. If someone is spending hours sitting down while using a computer, a computer stand may come in handy for burning calories. If someone spends five hours on a computer, 375 calories are burned sitting down. However, standing up while spending time on a computer can burn 575 calories! Every calorie counts, and this simple trick makes losing weight much easier.

How many calories should a custodian eat per day?

It varies, depending on a variety of factors (age, gender, height, weight, activity level, body type, diet, intensity of exercise, ect.). On average, and adult woman should be eating about 1,800 calories a day while an adult man should be eating about 2,000 calories a day.