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the ribosome.. :)

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Q: Cell organelle that breaks down lipids and carbohydrates and releases engery?
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Related questions

What cell part releases engery?

Mitochondria gives power to the cells. It generate power through respiration.

What carbohydrates provide the body with long-lasting energy?

What you're looking for are Complex Carbohydrates (starches) which are basically just foods with longer sugar strands. Brown rice, whole grains, and pastas are a few examples of starchy foods that provide long lasting energy.

How can the engery in the wind be used?

from some engery from tyler

Can carbohdrates provide the body with short term bursts of engery?

The body uses carbohydrates by converting them into glucose as storage. The glucose is released as fuel for the body's cells to generate adrenaline-related energy bursts when needed. The access to this glucose and glycogen is dependent on how many carbohydrates are consumed.

Does engery rhyme with energy?

No, and "engery" is not a real word. You probably mean "injury".

All movement is?


What is nurclear engery?

IT has no colour.

What does the mitocondria turn food into?


What is carbohydrate necessary for?

to provide engery.

What color is nurclear engery?

IT has no colour.

What is oil engery?

"Fossilized" sunlight.

Can matter sometimes be converted into engery?

yes it can