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If you have not already, you may need to alter your diet and overall activity level. Your first step is to get your body into a state where it is burning fat, essentially raising your metabolism. They way to do this is 1.) Eating a substantial number of meals per day 2.) Eating the right food at each meal 3.) Adequate exercise 4.) Eating BREAKFAST which many neglect. It may seem opposite to your goal of losing weight, but instead of starving yourself, you need to eat at least 5 times per day. Calorie intake, depending on your activity level, should be about 2000 calories per day. Eating 5 meals a day (I say meals but most are more of a snack) effectively keeps your body in a state of burning calories, whereas starving oneself will SLOW the metabolism because your body believes it is no longer receiving enough calories and works to conserve its own mass. Each meal should consist of a slow to semi slow digesting carb, or complex carb, and a protein source. Also, healthy fats such as the ones found in nuts and fish are literally indispensable, as they maintain skin and internal organs. Do not cut out all fat. HOWEVER, your fat should not come from twinkies or ho ho's. That's what we call bad fat. Examples of complex carbs are whole wheat breads, whole wheat pastas, brown rice, fruits (which also contain fructose, a fast digesting carb), SWEET potatoes/ yams (regular potatoes, like red potatoes, russet, anything you would call a baked potato are fast digesting carbs. Seems opposite but is true),oatmeal (NOT the little packages of half sugar oats, although that is still better than fruity pebbles), and the list continues... Then a lean protein source, such as low fat cottage cheese, tuna, lean beef, lean steaks, chicken breast, turkey breast, lean ground turkey, other fishes, protein powder is very convenient, and lean dairy. Each meal should consist of 15 - 30 g protein and 25 - 50 g carbs. Adding vegetables and fruits to each meal supplies the body with all needed nutrients. The only reason for the lesson in diet is without diet, you will lose fat nowhere.General cardio serves well enough to burn calories, but if you really want to kick off fat burning, use interval training, high intensity for an interval and low intensity for an interval. Cardio should be done at least 4 times per week for at least 30 minutes, or more if you really want to lose fat fast.And finally, to lose fat around the arm and shoulder area, you will want to do exercises related to those areas, such as bicep curls (alternating dumbbell curls, barbell curls, EZ bar curls, preacher curls, even hands turned towards the body pull ups will work the biceps), tricep extensions (tricep kickbacks, lying dumbbell extensions, lying barbell or ez bar extensions, standing cable downward presses, overhead dumbbell extensions, close grip bench press, bench dips, regular tricep dips) and shoulder raises (front raises, lateral (side) raises, cable lateral and front raises, cable crossovers (pulling a cable started at shoulder if possible or low cable across the body using a straight arm and using the rear shoulder to pull the weight), overhead presses, dumbbell and barbell, wide grip upright rows dumbbell and barbell). The key with these exercises to tone up and lose excess fat is to keep reps HIGH. Low reps will tend to build muscle size and strength. Keep repetitions above 15, and as high as 30 to 40 reps. This will be difficult at first but with time will become easier. Do 3 - 4 sets of each exercise, and at least 2 to 3 exercises per body part. Keep time between sets down to 30 - 90 seconds, or as close to this as possible. Train these parts 2 to 3 times per week, giving adequate rest and repair between training days. Do not train a sore body part. I realize that compared to the question this is a very thorough and intense response. However with the combination of all these factors, and dedication to the cause, your goals will quickly be realized, and you will find it easy to achieve new higher goals for yourself and your body. Good luck.

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16y ago

The upper arm consists primarily of your biceps and triceps. The best exercises you can do for your upper arms include:


Seated curls with dumbbells

Standing curls with dumbbells

Standing curls with exercise bands


Tricep extensions

Lat pulldowns

Pull Ups


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12y ago

There is no way to lose weight in a specific area of the body. You can build muscle and tone your upper arms with weight training exercises.

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Lift weights, press ups ect. aka. do lots of muscle exercises and if you tend to have a large amount of fat in your upper body you want to do cardio exercises to loose that fat and more muscle exercises to gain muscle.

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Stretching and exercises like yoga or pilates should help.

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Eat to lose weight. Skip junk food and sugary-filled snacks and drinks. ... Pump up the cardio. Add at least 30 to 60 minutes of cardio each day. ... Make fat-burning decisions. ... Tone your triceps. ... Work your biceps. ... Cut your abs. Want to burn LBs of deep fast instantly at home? Check out the link in my Bio.

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All good weight loss methods are healthy and sustainable. Don't think there will be " weird" ways to lose weight, that will only make you uncomfortable! There is a Daily Weight Loss Guide: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases) Link: The way to lose weight for men: 1.Exercises To Lose Belly Fat | Exercises To Lose Weight Link: 2.Workouts To Slim Down Belly Fat Link: The way to lose weight for women: 1.10 Min Cardio workout to burn Fat Link: 2.7-Day Challenge: Reduce Belly Fat and Arm Fat Link:

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Typical exercises one might perform in order to lose belly fat could be sit-ups and squat-thrusts. While these exercises may be somewhat difficult to perform, the outcome is better health.

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No, you don't have to be skinny, but when you do gymnastics you will lose a lot of body fat with all the fat burning exercises that they do.

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Shaking belly fat to lose weight is useless.All good weight loss methods are healthy and sustainable. Don't think there is a "weird" way to lose weight, it's just futile and a waste of time. There is a Daily Weight Loss Guide: The way to lose belly fat: Link: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases) Link: The way to lose weight for men: 1.Exercises To Lose Belly Fat | Exercises To Lose Weight Link: 2.Workouts To Slim Down Belly Fat Link: The way to lose weight for women: 1.10 Min Cardio workout to burn Fat Link: 2.7-Day Challenge: Reduce Belly Fat and Arm Fat Link:

What helps lose arm fat?

Dieting, working out, and exercising can help you lose arm fat and basic body fat. or instead of doing the simple and easy things you can also do push-ups or you can take up lessons in boxing.