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I'm pretty sure you can get fat by eating a lot of anything.

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13y ago

yes you can

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Q: Will you get fat from eating a lot of freeze pops?
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How do I make my legs and arms fat?

By eating a lot.

How do you become a fat person?

By eating a lot and not exercising.

What are the consequences of eating a lot of fats?

Getting Fat

What are the dangers of eating kerala porotta?

It has lot of fat and cholesterol

Is it bad if you eat lots of freeze-pops every day?

They have a lot of sugar, so get some exercise and make sure you brush your teeth!

What are symptoms of unhealthy eating?

someone with a lot of health problems or are fat

How do you make fat on body?

By eating more than energy used. So, by being lazy and/or eating a lot.

What increases your breast size?

If you're italian, eating fatty foods and then exercising a lot. The fat goes straight there. No the fat goes where it wants to go which can be to your butt and not the breasts. Eating a lot of fat is also unhealthy. Right now there's only surgery that can make them bigger.

Does a polar bear have a lot of fat or a little fat?

well, polar bears need to have fat because if they didnt, they whould all freeze to death because they live in such a harsh enviroment

How to make your but big?

You can start eating a lot or you can go to a plastic surgeon and inject fat in your but.

Do you get fat by eating cookies and milk?

You can get fat from eating ANY food if you do not exercise enough. Cookies and milk are high in calories, so take a lot of exercise to use those calories.

How does the amount of fat affect the amount of energy in the crisp?

The amount of fat can have a lot of fat on the crisps and when you have a lot of fat, it can make you fat by processing itself inside your body. However, some fats are good for you because it gives you energy so if you have a little fat then you have a little energy but don't eat a lot of fat because some people can get tired from eating a lot of fat so keep it at a minimum level.