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You never know! Though, I doubt it. The Bible only says one male and one female of every creature.

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Q: Were unicorns on the ark
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Is there a drawing of the ark leaving without the unicorns?

No there were no unicorns.

Did unicorns once live before Noah and the Ark?

Well, Ido belive unicorns died during Noah and the Ark. I'm pretty sure Noah did not put the unicorns on the Ark because he did not beleive they were true creatures. PEACE LOVE UNICORNS! :0

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Did the unicorns miss the boat in Noah's Ark?

No, Unicorns did mot miss noah's ark. They were not made yet and if they did exist then no one could find them. Yes, the unicorns did miss noah's ark. If they had hit it their horns would have made holes in the gopher wood and the whole thing would have sunk.

Were unicorns on Noah's Ark?

A:The ancients knew nothing of unicorns and so could not have imagined them being on Noah's Ark. They belong to a completely different legend to that of the Ark.

What kills unicorns?

When Noahs' ark was built, and the flood was about to start, Noah ordered all the animals onto the ark. The unicorns frolicked and sang and played and payed no attention. He tried again, but the rain was starting and he couldn't wait. He closed the doors. The unicorns looked and cried, and were washed away.

When did unicorns go extinct?

When Noah called all the animals to get on the ark, The unicorns were in the forest playing teatherball, so when the flood came none of them survived, and God forgot how to create the horn so that is how unicorns became extinct, and how horses came into this world.

How can you find a unicorn?

UNICORNS ARE FICTIONAL That means they don't live, they never lived, they will never live. Or...They are not real Well unicorns were said to have lived long ago. If you've herd the story of Noah's Ark it says in some versions that unicorns drowned because they didn't get on the ark but i dont think they exist im sorry love. :( Unicorns are real, thair is a beetle called the Unicorn Beetle. It lives is south Amarica.

Do unicorn exinst?

Chances are, unicorns existed at some point or another. Unicorns and other mythological creatures are mentioned in the bible, so perhaps they lived in the past and they evolved into something today. For example, unicorns are similar to narwhals. It was said that they evolved into narwhals in a version of Noah's Ark actually. But there is no proof that unicorns actually exist today.

Did the unicorns get on the ark?

No. Although unicorns sometimes appear to be mentioned in the Bible, they are actually mythical creatures. We also know from science that there was never a worldwide Flood that required the legendary Noah to build an Ark - although it is suggested that the story is based on folk memories of the inundation of what is now the Black Sea.

What animal is no longer seen on Earth because it was to busy kicking and splashing in the rain and missed the ark?

There was not an animal who was left by the ark. Answer: According to the poem by Shel Silverstein (made into a song popularized by The Rovers in the 1960's), the unicorn was too busy to board the ark. The Unicorn Song excerpt: And Noah looked out through the driving rain Them unicorns were hiding, playing silly games Kicking and splashing while the rain was falling Oh, them silly unicorns

Are there unicorns in Russia?

Unicorns are not real! Because when Noah was making the ark there was no room for the other animals so the flood killed the unicorns. For the nonreligious, the unicorn is a mythological creature like a hydra or a leprechaun.