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Spinosaurus aegyptiacus is the largest known land predator. It was a member of the theropod dinosaur family.

It lived in what is now the Sahara desert 100 million years ago.

Being so large Spinosaurus wouldn't have had any natural predators. On occasion if Spinosaurus was weak and couldn't find any food it could be attacked by a large pack of Rugops which could bring it down.

The sail on Spinosaurus' back was its vulnerability. If a Rugops pack managed to make Spinosaurus to fall over and land on its back it would snap its vertebrate and therefor its spinal cord.

Hope that this is satisfactory.

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12y ago

Its a dinosaur that lived in the Jurassic, Cretaceous thts the short way of saying it

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A spinosaurus is much larger than the baryonyx

How do you spell spinosaurus?

That is the correct spelling of the genus name Spinosaurus (a large carnivorous dinosaur).

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