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Q: What type of Scientist studies fossils?
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What type of scientist is a paleontologest?

Who studies fossils.

What scientist studies dinosouras and fosssils?

scientist who study fossils

What is a scientist who studies fossils?

A scientist who studies fossils is called a paleontologist. They analyze fossils to understand past life forms, their environments, and evolutionary history.

What scientist that studies dinosaurs and fossils?


What type of scientist studies plant fossils?

A paleobotanist is a scientist who studies plant fossils. They analyze the fossilized remains of ancient plants to understand their evolution, distribution, and role in past ecosystems.

A scientist who studies fossils is called a?

A scientist that studies fossils in called a paleontologist. Paleontology is a discipline within geology, which is the study of the Earth's history.

What type of scientist studies dinosaurs and fossils?

Paleontologists study fossils and ancient life, including, but not limited to, dinosaurs. A Paleobotanist studies plant fossils. Palaeontologist / paleontologist.

Fossils are studied by a special kind of scientist called?

A palaeontologist studies fossils.

A scientist who studies fossils?


A scientist who studies fossil is called?

A scientist that studies fossils in called a paleontologist. Paleontology is a discipline within geology, which is the study of the Earth's history.

What do you call a scientist who study dinosaurs and fossils?

A scientists who studies fossils, whether they are from dinosaurs or something else, is called a paleontologist.

What type of scienists studies fossils?
