Older elevators have an emergency button to contact the building engineer in the event of a malfunction. Newer ones have a phone you can use to call the building supervisor to tell him you're stuck and also an emergency button. The purpose is simply to alert the staff that you need assistance.
Certain elevators have different functions to their emergency buttons. Some engage emergency brakes, some alert rescue/fire departments and some connect you with the maintenace department. Always check an elevator for emergency instructions.
Moe Brik
At emergencybutton.com of course. They are part of the BBB, recommended by Good Housekeeping and have home medical emergency buttons with 24/7 two way monitoring.
i know justin' biber biggest fear because ima star and this is exactly what he said "i hate elevators,especially crammed elevators. i get really scared!"
You can see what Braille looks like by clicking on the link below. You can also see braille on the buttons of elevators.
you press it, and ninja's appear out of nowhere and save your ass
elevators are related to math because elevators have numbers on them
Elevators Company in Ahmedabad
Yes a shunt trip breaker can be activated manually.
I have this game on the 360 and I just go up to the buttons, hold down A button scorll down to 1st floor or whatever and press A button. :) Hope this helps!
There are 6,000 elevators in Italy
10000 elevators in Chicago
they have 2 elevators