6.67 miles pr. hour
Days can't be converted into miles. However, if you meant minutes.... 10459 minutes is equal to 7.2631944 days.
50.66 minutes To get this answer, divide 38 miles by 45 miles and multiply by 60 minutes. 38/45=0.8444 .8444 x 60 = 50.66 minutes
One mile of biking equals one mile of walking
All you have to do is figure out what is half of 14. That's your answer.
4 hours 15 minutes = 255 minutes.26.2 miles in 255 minutes is equal to an average of 1 mile in approximately 9.73 minutes (255/26.2).
This cannot be answered properly without knowing how fast you are moving.
5 hours 56 minutes.
This cannot be answered properly without knowing how fast you are moving.
there are 60 minutes to the hour, so 60/10=6 6 minutes/mile = 10MPH
40min=(2/3)hrD=rt14=(2/3)r21mph=rJeremy can ride 21miles in one hour.
It is 403 miles no matter what method of transportation you take.