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Q: What is the chromatic scale and fingerings from C to G on trumpet?
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See the related links section for a link to sheet music with fingerings.

How do you play a C flat scale on the trumpet?

See the related links section for a link to sheet music with fingerings.

How do you play one octave and chromatic scale for trumpet My marching band teacher said I need to know a one ocatve and chromatic scale Isn't one octave B-flat?

one octive is a low C and a high C whch is the eastest(for me) and the cromatic scale is 000-open 123-press all of them-down low C 13 23 12 1 2 000 23 12 1 2 000- high C those are the fingerings for the scale hoped this helped :)

How many steps in a chromatic scale?

A chromatic scale, which is a musical scale that divides an octave into semitones, consists of 12 half-steps. For example: a chromatic scale starting on C will have the following series of notes: c - c# - d - d# - e - f - f# - g - g# - a - a# - b - c

What are the fingerings of the second octave for the g scale on trumpet?

im a music teacher so i should know but i didnt get to learn that

How do you play a G scale on the trumpet?

G, a, b, c, d, e, f#, g, f#, e, d, c, b, a, g See the related links section for a link to sheet music with fingerings.

How do you play the g scale on trumpet?

G, a, b, c, d, e, f#, g, f#, e, d, c, b, a, g See the related links section for a link to sheet music with fingerings.

What are the fingerings of the last two notes on the C concert scale?

It depends on which instrument.

What are the grade three trumpet scales?

c scale sharp c scale and low c scale?no?yes!

What are the notes for e flat major scale on the trumpet?

i usually start on the c below the staff for a chromatic scale but heres a two octave chromatic scale up and down C C# D D# E E#<--- same as a F F# G G# A A# B B# <---- same as a C C# D D# E E# F# G G# A A# B B# Going Down C B Bb A Ab G Gb F E Eb D Db C B Bb A Ab G Gb F E Eb D Db C

What is the chromatic scle and fingering to a high c on the trumpet?

C C# D D# E F F# G G# A B flat B 3rd space C The third space C on the trumpet has no valves pushed down. Same with the high C. They are very different,and I'm not sure which one you ment concedering the 3rd space C is often incorrectly called high C. Changing your ombasure (Muscles in your mouth used) and air pressure bring you from 3rd space C to high C. Third space C is the last C used in the chromatic scale as you can see at the top.

What is a chromatic scale?

A chromatic scale on any musical instrument is a scale that usually goes up 1 octave then goes down again. The difference between these and a regular scale is, are all the notes including the ones' in between, like sharps and flats or, in other words, half steps. For example, a C chromatic scale would start out like this: C, C sharp, D, E flat, E, F, F sharp, G, flat, A, A sharp, B, C, then back down.