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Probably true. Runoff from fields often includes fertilizer chemicals and nutrients that will pollute the lake. A protected lake is likely to remain healthy.

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Q: A lake that is protected from receiving the runoff from a cultivated field is likely to remain a healthy ecosystem true or false?
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A lake that is protected from receiving the runoff a cultivated field is likely to remain a healthy ecosystem?


How can you tell if an ecosystem is healthy?

"How could you decide if an ecosystem is healthy or not? "

What are balanced in a healthy ecosystem?

plants and animals in a healthy ecosystem

What are some ways people benefit from healthy ecosystems?

Healthy ecosystems mean healthy people. A healthy ecosystem is productive and has abundant clean water. People have fewer diseases in a healthy ecosystem. They have more food when the ecosystem is healthy.

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After a natural disaster occurs in a healthy ecosystem, secondary succession will cause the ecosystem to return to its original Climax Community.

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Dead organisms matain a healthy ecosystem by decomposing and making fresh soil for the plants.

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Ecosystem is the environment in which man lives. He has to keep it healthy.

How does the presence of top carnivores indicate that an ecosystem is healthy?

eating healthy.

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well, it it the earth's way of recycling, so yes, it is healthy!

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its biotic and abiotic components

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What is one characteristic of a healthy ecosystem?

It must have food, water, and room for animals to live in. If the area is too crowded animals may move on to a different ecosystem. Producers in an ecosystem are the living organisms which provide food for other animals. A good example of a producer is a plant. They can make their own food. Consumers are the animals that eat the food from producers or they eat consumers such as deer, rabbit. If you have same amount of producers and consumers you will have a healthy ecosystem.