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Sounds suspiciously like an earthquake. Indeed, it is.

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Q: A shaking of the ground caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rock along a fault?
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A shaking of the ground caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rock along a fault.?

That's called an earthquake.

What are earthqaukes?

An earthquake = a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface. It is caused by movement deep within the earth. Earthquakes can cause the ground to split.

What is shaking and ground rupture?

Shaking and Ground rupture are the effects of earthquake. Ground shaking is the disruptive up and down and sideways motion experienced during an earthquake. And, Ground Rupture is the creation of new or the renewed movements of old fractures, oftentimes with the two blocks on both sides moving in opposite directions.

What is an earthqueke?

Earthquakes are movements or shaking of the ground that happened when blocks of rock move suddenly and release energy.

A shaking of the ground caused by the sudden release of energy in Earth's crust?

It is an earthquake

What is earthquke?

An earthquake is a shaking that occurs in the ground. This results from movement underneath the earth's surface.

What caused the ground to shake so strongly and how is shaking recorded in christchurch?

Ground shaking is caused by an earthquake which is two tectonic plates that rub against eachother or overlap The magnitude of most earthquakes is measured on a ricture scale the magnitude is calculated by the ampline.

Does movement of the rocks in the ground cause the ground to shake?

Yes. This is known as an earthquake and is caused by the movement of tectonic plates.

What is the sudden shaking of the earth that often causes a lot of damage?

An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by shifts in the tectonic plates as they move against each other.

What caused the ground the shake so strongly and how is shaking recorded?

The Liquefaction dryed up and turned to clay

What are earth qakes?

when the ground starts to brake and houses start to clapes into piles of ruble

Most surface waves are caused by the action of 'earthquakes' or 'winds'?

Most surface waves are caused by wind systems. Earthquakes cause tsunamis.