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It would be classified as the metamorphic rock quartzite.

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Q: After quartz sandstone has recrystallized what is the name of the new rock?
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Which is more easily broken in a contest between the two rocks quartzite and sandstone?

Sandstone. Whereas sandstone relies on cementing minerals of various types to hold it together, quartzite is held together by an interlocking mosaic of mostly recrystallized quartz , making it one tough rock.

What rock is composed mainly of quartz and quartz sand?

rock salt and conglomerate

What type of sedimentary rock is sandstone?

Sandstone is made up mostly of sediments of quartz and/or feldspar. Therefore sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock.

What metamorphic rock is formed sandstone?

Quartz sandstone, aka arenite, can form the metamorphic rock called quartzite.

Are sandstone igenous rocks?

Sandstone is not an igneous rock; it is a coarse-grained, sedimentary rock composed mostly of quartz.

What silicate mineral is found in metamorphic rock of all grades?

A quartz sandstone is a sedimentary rock that contains >95% quartz sand. Other typical minerals present in this rock feldspars, accessory minerals and lithic fragments, depending on the source lithology of the sandstone. So when a quartz sandstone gets metamorphosed the rock is still composed of mostly quartz. The quartz grains are recrystallized into interlocking patterns with the impurities often discoloring the sample or causing subtle streaking. This new rock is then called a quartzite. It is important to distinguish that in almost all cases, rocks are composed of more than one mineral. Common exceptions to this are evaporites like gypsum.

Which mineral is mainly found in a sandstone rock?

Quartz is predominate.

What is the principal mineral in sandstone?

Sandstone is a type of clastic sedimentary rock with sand-sized minerals or sand grains. Its two chief minerals are quartz and feldspar.

What is the difference between a sandstone rock and a marble rock?

Chemically, a quartz sandstone is different than a calcitic marble. Additionally, they are classified differently by their method of formation. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock, and marble is a metamorphic rock. Sandstone has cemented grains, and marble has interconnected crystals.

What are the 3 types of clastic sedimentary rock?

conglomerate, quartz sandstone, siltstone

What rock travels further before deposition arkosic or quartz sandstone?

The particles in quartz sandstone have travelled further before deposition due to their increased resistance to weathering factors.