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Natural Resources are any materials that humans obtain from the Earth to meet our wants and needs.

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Q: Are Natural resources any materials that humans obtain from the Earth to meet your wants and needs?
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What is the definition of natural resources?

As defined by, a natural resource is something, such as a forest, mineral deposit, or fresh water, that is found in nature and is necessary or useful to humans.

A material on earth that is necessary or useful to people is?

Such materials are known as "natural resources".

What is the nonliving resources that humans obtain from ecosystems?

The nonliving resources that humans obtain from ecosystems are called

What did the UK do to obtain natural resources?

Mined them

Why do some economists consider human resources more important than natural resources in determining a countrys future?

In order to produce the natural resources more effectively and obtain the more out of them humans have to be capable of understand completely the necessities and uses of the products available and how to produce more and better.

What are materials of nature?

The Natural materials are nothing but the materials which obtain from the nature like plants, animals or from the ground. Some of the natural materials are may be bamboo, bark, wool, silketc..,

What is the definition natural resource?

a natural resource is how do people us the land and its area

Why did Japanese general tojo want to gain control of land in northern china?

To obtain Natural Resources that would strengthen the Japanese military

What was the role of natural resources in causing the war in the Pacific?

War is about survival. If a nation needs raw material in order to survive, then it will use what ever means is available to obtain those materials.

What natural resources may be obtained from your lands?

The natural that can obtain from my lands ; Gold,Diamond,Bouxite,and Manganess.

What were the lack of natural resources that affected mesopotaqmian's?

The lack of natural resources that affected Mesopotamians were primarily the absence of timber, stone, and metal. As a result, they had to rely on building materials like mud bricks and reeds for construction. Additionally, the scarcity of natural resources limited their ability to produce certain goods, such as metals for tools and weapons, which they had to obtain through trade or importation.

What is natural and extracted materials?

Natural materials are those that are utilised as found in nature, e.g. cotton. This is different to man made materials such as nylon or polyester that are created by a synthetic process although often utilising the worlds natural materials (for example plastics come from Oil etc)