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Carbon Dioxide IS a 'greenhouse gas' ! There are still too many coal-fired power stations that are releasing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere !

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Q: Are green house gases more or less problem than carbon dioxide?
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What causes the green house to effect?

Green house gases, such as carbon dioxide.

Is c02 in green house gases?

Yeah, it's carbon dioxide

Which one of these gases keeps the earth warm oxygen helium hydrogen carbon dioxide nitrogen or argon?

The answer is carbon dioxide. It is considered to be a green house gas.

Are green house gases dangerous?

yes, green house gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and others are causes of global warming.

Which is the minor green house gas in the stratosphere?

There are various minor greenhouse gases. These are nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide etc.

What gases will be taken in and given out by a green plant in darkness?

Carbon dioxide is taken in. Oxygen is given out

What are the problems with Carbon dioxide?

Due to large-scale burning of fossil fuels worldwide, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the athmosphere continues to increase. This enhances the natural 'greenhouse effect' of the athmosphere, causing global warming and climate change.

What do plants do to lessen the green house gases?

Plants absorb water and carbon dioxide. These two green house gases are the most common. Plants absorb only a small portion of the total green house gas. The oceans do the bulk of this work. Plants do store carbon and our a major carbon sink for the planet.

Are green house gases more or less than carbon dioxide?

Carbon Dioxide IS a 'greenhouse gas' ! There are still too many coal-fired power stations that are releasing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere !

What are methane and carbon dioxide?

Both methane and carbon dioxide are green house gases (GHGs) that contribute to global climate change. Methane is a simple alkane with the chemical formula CH4 (one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen). Carbon dioxide has the chemical formula CO2 (cone atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen). Both methane and carbon dioxide are gases, and each has both biological and non-biological sources in nature.

How many types of green house gas are there?

The Greenhouse gases are: * water vapor * carbon dioxide * methane * nitrous oxide * ozone * CFCs

What does carbion dioxide have to play in the green house?

The plants need the Carbon Dioxide to inhale. They then turn the carbon dioxide into oxygen for us to breathe. That is what carbon dioxide does in the green house.