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Some molecular compounds, such as methyl Mercury, contain both metals and nonmetals. Most molecular compounds contain only nonmetals, and all molecular compounds contain at least one nonmetal element.

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13y ago

Usually. There are a few molecular compounds that include metals, such as dimanganese heptoxide, Mn2O7

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Q: Are molecular compounds made up of metals or nonmetals?
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What are the characteristics of ionic compounds vs molecular compounds?

Ionic compounds are generally made up of nonmetals and metals, while molecular compounds are normally made up of nonmetals only.

What is made when you add metals and non metals?

Metals and nonmetals form ionic compounds.

Molecular compounds are made up of?

atoms of nonmetals covalently bonded

How compounds are identified?

An ionic compound is made up of metals and nonmetals.

How are ionic compounds identified?

An ionic compound is made up of metals and nonmetals.

What are the covalent compounds?

Covalent compounds share electronsCovalent compounds are neutralB.The compounds share electrons.C.The compounds show no charge.D.The compounds are named with Greek prefixes.

When acids and bases react they form compounds called salt which are made of metals and nonmetals true or false?

Yes, it is correct.

Are binary molecular compounds are made of two nonmetallic elements?

nonmetals. Examples include H2O, SO2, NH3.

Are binary molecular compounds made out of two cations?

No. Binary molecular compounds are made out of two nonmetals covalently bonded. Examples include H2O, CO, CO2, H2S, NO2, SO2. Two cations would never form a compound because like charges repel.

Which qualities can be used to identify binary covalent compounds?

apex Compounds made from two nonmetals Sharing of electrons

What accounts for the observed differences in the properties of ionic and molecular compounds?

t Answer Well firstly, ionic compounds form from metals bonding with non metals. Molecular/covalent form from non metals bonding with non metals. A strong electrostatic force between ionic compounds results in them having high melting points. A weaker electrostatic force between molecular compounds results in them having lower melting points and thus weaker bonds. Ionic compounds are made up of ions, so will conduct electricity. Covalent compounds only share electrons and so are not ions, and will not conduct electricity.

What is the name ending for compounds made from a metal nonmetals and oxygen?

These compounds are oxides.