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No. Hydrogen and oxygen are elements, not compounds and they are two different substances.

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Q: Are oxygen and hydrogen the same compound?
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Do oxygen and hydrogen represent the same compound?

No. Hydrogen and oxygen are elements, not compounds. They are not the same.

Does hydrogen and oxygen create a compound?

Hydrogen and oxygen forms the compound water - H2O. In addition Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 is also a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.

Is hydroxide and hydrogen the same thing?

No, Hydrogen is an element and hydroxide is a compound made by oxygen and hydrogen (OH-)

Are hydrogen and oxygen a compound?

hydrogen and oxygen forms a water compound H2O

Are ammonia and hydrogen peroxide the same?

No it is not the same, Ammonia is NH3, a compound of hydrogen and nitrogen. It is a base and is note for its strong smell. Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. It is very mildly acidic and is noted for its ability to decompose and release oxygen gas.

Is oxygen an example of a hydrogen compound?

No because Oxygen is an element and it only contains atoms of Oxygen and nothing else, no Hydrogen at all. A compound of Hydrogen must contain Hydrogen plus something else. Water contains Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O) so that would be a compound of Hydrogen and oxygen.

Is oxygen and hydrogen combined a molecular compound?

Water, H2O, is a molecule of hydrogen and oxygen. It is considered a compound. That said, yes, oxygen and hydrogen combine to make a compound that is represented by the molecule H2O.

Is soduim hydrogen carbonate a compound or a element?

An element is only made of the same type of atoms. Ex. oxygen is an element, and it is only oxygen atoms, nothing else. If there's both hydrogen and oxygen atom it is H2O, which is a compound.

Is hydrogen found in water?

The most common compound of hydrogen and oxygen is better known as "Water".Hydrogen and oxygen also forms Hydrogen Peroxide.

What is the example of an compound?

water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O.table salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine, NaCl.ordinary sugar is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, C12H22O11.

Is hydrogen and oxygen a element or a compound together?


What is the name of the compound oxygen and hydrogen can combine explosively to form?

The compound oxygen and hydrogen can combine explosively to form water.