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Q: Are there regions where hurricanes do not occur at all?
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Do tornadoes or hurricanes occur in the tropics?

Both can occur in the tropics, though tornadoes are more common in temperate areas. All hurricanes form in the tropics but they can move into temperate regions.

Regions where hurricanes most occur?

The Caribbean has more hurricanes that any other region in the world. This is because a lot of heat is stored just above the sea level, and it is a good place for storms to occur.

Do hurricanes form in the mesosphere?

No. Hurricanes occur in the troposphere, as does nearly all weather on earth.

In what layer of the atmosphere do tornadoes and hurricanes occur?

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and virtually all other forms of weather occur in the lowest layer of the atmosphere, the troposphere.

Does a hurricane or a cyclone involve us more?

Cyclones occur more. This is because all hurricanes are cyclones, but not all cyclones are hurricanes.

Hurricanes form in what part of the atmosphere?

Like all weather hurricanes occur in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

Where in the water do hurricanes occur?

Hurricanes occur over warm ocean water in or near the tropics.

Do more hurricanes occur dureing August or February?

Hurricanes most often occur in August.

When hurricanes occur?

they usually occur in summer

Why don't hurricanes occur all year?

Hurricanes require warm ocean water to form. Through a large part of the year the oceans are not warm emough for hurricanes.

What do low pressure zones at the equator and in sub polar regions cause?


Where do hurricanes mostly occur on land?

Hurricanes do not occur on land. They are only water storms and blow into land.