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Q: Birds maintain a body temperature in the range of?
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What type of feather helps birds maintain their body temperature?

water proof feathers

What help the birds to maintain a constant body temperature?

They fluff up their feathers trapping air which is heated by body temperature. Sort of like a wetsuit it traps water and it warms up by the body temperature. Hope this helps

What does your body maintain though negative feedback?

Your body maintains homeostasis through negative feedback. This somewhat like using a thermostat to maintain a narrow range of temperature in the house.

Which animals are able to maintain a certain body temperature over a wide range of temperature in the environment?

warm blooded animals- mammals and aves

Difference between homoiotherms and poikilotherms?

Homoiotherms can maintain their body temperature while poikilotherms can't. As a result, homoiotherms can live with a wider temperature range.

Are birds ectothermic or endothermic?

Birds are endothermic. Reptiles are ectothermic and are referred to as "cold-blooded."

How does a white tiger maintain its body temperature?

they maintain body temperature by sleeping during the day and hunt at night

What does the body do to keep the temperature the same?

How do are body's maintain a constant temperature?

Why are birds and mammals able to tolerate a wider range of temperatures than other kinds of animals?

Birds and mammals are the only members of the animal kingdom which are endothermic, or "warm-blooded". This means they are able to maintain a constant body heat from within. Other creatures are ectothermic, or cold-blooded, meaning that their body temperature is influenced by external temperatures.

What animals are warm blood?

All mammals and Birds are warm blooded for example humans dogs seals etc

Is a black bear exothermic or endothermic?

A black bear is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Which structures help maintain your body temperature?

Sweat helps maintain your body temperature, Whenever your sweat evaporates, it cools you down.