

Can chlorine make you high

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No, but it can make you sick and even cause death in large enough amounts.

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Q: Can chlorine make you high
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Why is the pH in my pool always high?

High chlorine levels will make the pH in your pool high. You can add borates to help stabilize the pH level in your pool.

Why is pool Ph low and chlorine high though you have not put chlorine in for weeks?

Do you have a chlorine generator? No.

What do you do if chlorine in saltwater pool is high?

Adjust your chlorine generator levels.

What does chlorine and chlorine make?

Dichlorine: Cl2

Can chlorine kill swimmers?

yes chlorine can ufcource kill swimmers but only when it's concentrated at its high, such concentrated chlorine would never be added to the swimming pools, but yes concentrarted chlorine when added to the swimming pool can make the swimmers suffer with a vast variety of diseases

What is a combination of halogen an element is called what?

They may by collectively called halides.But, hydrogen and chlorine make hydrochloric ACID, H + Bromine make hydrobromic ACID, sodium and chlorine make common salt and chlorine and chlorine make diatomic chlorine gas.

Can chlorine generators result in unusually high chlorine readings and can they give false high readings for pH and TA levels?

I can't answer the initial question if chlorine generators give off high chlorine false readings. I have an inline chlorine dispenser and it seems to work just fine for me. But the second part of the question asking if high chlorine will give false readings for pH and TA. I have read that somewhere and I am currently researching to validate that finding.

Should chlorine tablets be used in place of stabilizer chlorine tablets so the cyanuric acid don't get to high?

Should chlorine tablets be used in place of stabilizer chlorine tablets so the cyanuric acid don't get to high?

Does chlorine in pools make you sleepy?

Not at the recommended level. If to much is used you may feel sleepy. Chlorine is very dangerous it leaves the water as chlorine gas which can kill you in high enough doses. Always ensure proper ventilation with indoor pools.

This element is in group 1 and has a high atomic number than chlorine, but a lower?


Do certain plants or animals have high concentrations of chlorine?

yes some plants have high concentrations of chlorine, like fungi and rose bushes

What effect does chlorine and clothes have in the pool?

Chlorine is bleach and it could bleach out your clothes if concentration is high.