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It's possible that some parts of the earth will become colder in the early stages of global warming. Changing wind streams can bring cold weather unexpectedly down from the Arctic, or up from the Antarctic. The failure of the Gulf Stream would certainly make Britain colder. However, if global warming continues, then everywhere will eventually become warmer.

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Q: Can global warming make the earth colder?
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Will global warming make the earth colder or warmer?

Global warming would make the earth warmer. However, some parts, for example, Britain, may become colder for a while, especially if the Gulf Stream cools or slows.

Does global warming also make the world colder?

Some areas may see lower temperatures, depending on how ocean currents shift, but the majority of the world will see higher temperatures from global warming.

Does global Warming make holes in the earth's atmosphere?

No, you are probably thinking of holes in the ozone layer. Global warming is the heating up of the atmosphere and the earth by the human activities of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

What type of global warming is there in Wales?

There is only one type of global warming, the increase in temperature averaged all over the planet. The results of global warming, that is, climate change, will be different around the world. Changes in the Gulf Stream may make Wales colder initially rather than warmer, for example.

Will global warming make the earth end?

No, the earth will survive a lot of extra heat and climate change. Life on earth, however, will not.

How many years before the earth gets destroyed from global warming?

The earth will never be destroyed by global warming. Life on earth might be destroyed, if we don't make serious efforts to stop global warming. Venus has temperatures of over 460C (860F) with an atmosphere full of carbon dioxide. The planet still exists, but there is no chance of life.

How do you changes to earth effect the atmosphere?

too much global warming can make holes in the atmosphere

Why is planting important?

Planting is important because it will save our world from global warming and to make our earth green!

What will happen to the UK's agriculture if global warming continues?

We don't know. Global warming may cause the Gulf Stream, which keeps the UK warm, to slow or stop. This would make Britain colder than it is now. However, if global warming continues Britain will then become warmer and warmer. There may be more rain or less rain. All this will cause problems for farmers and agriculture.

How would you respond to critics that global warming is not occurring?

The term "global warming" should not be used in this argument any more. Rather, the question/discussion is about global climate change, some places are getting warmer and some are getting colder. There is sufficient evidence that the earth's climate, as it has been recorded in certain locations over the last 40-50 years or so, is showing change. Since the age of the earth according to the people claiming "global warming" is in the hundreds of millions of years, the data recorded over the past 50 years is only a dot in time on the chart. So, claiming that we are in a period of global warming and not a warming trend is not backed by a good sample size of data. Even if we had good data for the past several thousand years, it would be insignificant in regards to the age of the earth. We can make data say whatever we want. As human beings, we should be responsible users of the natural resources of earth and protect life.

Will global warming come in 2012?

Global warming is going right now and all of us are trying heal the Earth but right now there's nothing we can do because there's not enough people to help us heal the Earth we have to spread the word to heal Earth and never make that happened again.

What are the side effects for Global Warming for man kind?

There are so many side effects to man kind from global warming. Here is the biggest side effect:;If global warming continues for a longer time, it could make the planet inhabitable and force all life to either become extinct, or if technology allows, move off of earth. Think of earth as a slow heating oven.