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Rising, expanding and cooling.

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Q: Clouds form in a hurricane because the air is?
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Why does descending air allow clouds to form?

Descending air not allow clouds to form because air rises at low pressures.

Why does descending air allows clouds not to form?

Descending air not allow clouds to form because air rises at low pressures.

What can air water and sun form?

They can form clouds because when the sun evaporates water, and then, the air makes the water cool and that's how they become clouds!

What causes a cloud to form?

Clouds are form because humid air rises upward.

Clouds form when air is cooled to?

clouds form when the air is cooled to its dew point

Why does a hurricane need hot moisture?

Warm, moist air holds large amounts of energy in the form of latent heat. This energy is released when the moisture condenses into clouds and precipitation. This is what powers a hurricane.

Before clouds can form air must become?

before clouds can form air must become what?

What clouds form from rising moist air?

Cumulonimbus, or thunderstorm, clouds form from rising moist air.

Do clouds form when air sinks?

Clouds form when warm moist air rises, cools and condenses.

Why do clouds form above chimneys?

clouds form above chimneys as the warm air mixes with the cool air

Do clouds form easily when the air pressure is high or low?

Clouds only form when the air pressure is low.

Where does lenticular clouds form?

Lenticular clouds generally form in mountainous regions. In these areas, there can be pockets of low pressure in the sky. When air encounters these low-pressure regions, it expands. If the air cools enough, it will condense to form lenticular clouds. The name "lenticular" actually means lens-shaped, because these clouds usually form an oval.