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No, greenhouse gases warm the air near the earth's surface by trapping heat from the warm earth that would otherwise escape into space.

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Q: Do greenhouse gases warm the air near earth's surface by trapping carbon dioxide?
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What planet has a greenhouse effect that warms the planet due to the trapping of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere?

Three planets, Earth, Venus and Mars, all have greenhouse effects from carbon dioxide (CO2) in their atmosphere.

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What do greenhouses gases trap?

Greenhouse gases trap infrared heat (from the sun) rising from the surface of the earth. More greenhouse gases trap more heat, and this is the situation now. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in particular are trapping more heat and causing a global warming.

What role does carbon dioxide play in your atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide constitutes about 0.04% of the total atmosphere. It is a greenhouse gas that uses greenhouse effect and radiative forcing to regulate the temperature on Earth's surface. It also plays a major role in carbon cycle.

What is the result of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas. At present concentrations, it helps maintain global temperatures at a level that is comfortable for humans and other animals that have adapted to the present climate. Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can result in global warming, by trapping more heat. This occurs when humans burn fossil fuels, manufacture cement of destroy forests.

How does carbon dioxide act like a greenhouse?

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which captures heat rising from the surface of the earth and stops it escaping into space. In the same kind of way the glass in a greenhouse lets in the heat, but stops it escaping into the colder atmosphere outside.

Is the greenhouse affect a recycling project?

No, the greenhouse effect is the effect of certain gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane (called greenhouse gasses) trapping heat near earth's surface. There is a natural greenhouse effect that keeps earth from becoming too cold, but there is some concern that human actions may be putting extra greenhouse gasses into the air and causing average temperatures to rise.

What is carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. It also causes global warming.

What happens to heat rising from the Earth when it reaches the heat-trapping layer?

Most of it is held by the greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, etc). This warming contributes to the natural, as well as the accelerated greenhouse effect.

How is cabron dixiode related to the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide helps the greenhouse in one way. Plants in the greenhouse needs carbon dioxide to grow.

What causes the heat on venus' surface?

The greenhouse effect causes the extreme temperatures. The greenhouse gas is mainly carbon dioxide and gaseous sulphuric acid.