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Summer is hot, Spring is warm, Fall is cold. So Spring wins.

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Q: Do you get a pig in the summer spring winter or fall?
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Related questions

What is a spring pig?

A pig who was born in the spring.

Will your guinea pig be ok sleeping outside?

yes but only in the summer as if the guinea pig gets too cold i the winter it will die and by the way you will need a huch not a cage as a cage will get too much wind as it has no private bit or shelter and your guinea pig will get wet !

What is the off spring of a pig called?

a piglet.

Why is your guinea pig malting?

Guinea Pigs Malt because they are losing there hair for differant sesons. They lose there winter hair in sping/summer.

Why is my guinea pig losing lots of fur at the moment?

My Guinea pig is also losing fur but they shed their fur so they can grow their winter coat. they start sheeding during the summer season (at the end of summer begining of fall). They will keep shedding though, so you do not have to worry about anything its all natural.

What is the average number of babies per litter for a pig?

through experience about 3 to 6 babies for guinea-pigs and if your gonna breed them be sure to do so that the babies are born in the summer so put the boy in at the middle of spring (theres more vitamin c in the grass and it will help the babies grow if you do it in the winter they come out very small and after a few days they die)

What are some exercises for a fat guinea pig?

Do you put it out on the grass in the summer ???? Or put it in a shed to run around in the winter??? If you don't this may be an option. Guinea pigs shouldn't be cooped up in a hutch and not be taken out. Please let it have a little freedom! The guinea pig will get very bored!!! Laura

What happend if you drop a guinea pig?

the guinea pig could be injured or the fall could have killed it.

What is hink pink for hog dance?

pig jigpig jig

Is it true that you can hold a guinea pig by it tail and it eyes will fall out?


How Native Americans survived?

The Native Americans hunted for wild creatures such as buffalo,deer,horses,rabbits and wild pig's Used some of the skins from the animals as clothes. Native Americans used wooden clubs, Bow & Arrow, Harpoons, Whips and even their bare hands as weapons. In the Spring the Native Americans fished and Grew crops to have lots of food during the harsh Winter. In the Summer they played games and made clothing the Fall the Natives Harvested their crops and collected firewood and collected as much food and wood as possible. In the Winter time the Natives stayed in their shelters. Hunters of the Tribes went out to hunt. The Hunters Always have a 40% chance to get food.

Could you leave a guinea pig in your garage?

Oh my God you know what harmful stuff could be in there that can make him sick or possibly kill him? And in the winter it'll get too cold for the little critter, and in the summer too hot. So don't ever put your Guinea pig in the garage!!