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Yes. Phosphorus is contained in the phosphates attached to the deoxyribose molecules on the double helix strands. (The stabilizing crossbars of the double helix are comprised of the four nucleic acids, paired off as adenosine-thymine, or A-T, and guanine-cytosine, or C-G).

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Q: Does DNA or rna have phosphate groups?
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Is a phosphate DNA or RNA?

Both DNA and RNA contain a sugar phosphate group as the backbone to their structure. In DNA the sugar is deoxyribose, where as in RNA it is just ribose.

What is found in both RNA and DNA?

DNA and RNA both have a sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases. The bases found in both DNA and RNA are Adenine, Guanine and Cytosine.

Is deoxyribose and uracil found in a DNA nucleotide?

No. Deoxyribose is the sugar in a DNA nucleotide. A DNA nucleotide would also include a phosphate group and a nitrogen base.

Where are phosphate groups in a DNA molecule?

The DNA backbone, are made of alternating sugars and phosphate groups.

How do you use phosphate in a sentence?

Phosphate is a molecule found in the backbone of DNA and RNA

Do both DNA and RNA nucleotides have a phosphate part?

Yes, they have a phosphate group.

What is DNA and RNA in?

Phosphate, adenosine, cytosine, and guanine.

Is 2 phosphate groups part of adenosine diphosphate?

Precisely! In adenosine diphosphate, the adenosine refers to an adenine base (found in both DNA and RNA) along with two (from "di" meaning two) phosphate groups.

What is the molecule that forms the backbone of DNA and RNA?

Components that form the backbone of DNA and RNA are the same: repeating units of a sugar and a phosphate. In case of DNA, sugar is deoxyribose and in case of RNA the sugar is ribose. Both of these molecules are very important in the filed of genetics.

What is found in DNA and RNA?

DNA and RNA both have a sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases. The bases found in both DNA and RNA are Adenine, Guanine and Cytosine.

Does RNA contain a phosphate group like DNA?

yes , it contains a phosphate group.

What Things that make up nucleotide?

Nucleotides are the components from which nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are made. Each nucleotide consists of: * a 5 - carbon (pentose) sugar (ribose in RNA, deoxyribose in DNA) * a nitrogen-containing base (adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine and uracil) * a phosphate group In DNA or RNA the phosphate groups link sugar molecules together to make up a polynucleotide.