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explain the elements of the micro environment in brief?

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Q: Explain the element of micro-environment and macro-environment outline any two changes in the macro-environment?
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No you can't save the changes in inspect element. The changes have to be made in the original source code.

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When an element polarity of voltage or current source changes, the magnitude of the corresponding current or voltage changes is called unilateral element. Eg: Diode Even Diode connected back to back in parallel act as a Bilateral.

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Yes, the element changes to compound when atoms of it changes because compound is made up of different types of element and the element is made up of different types of atoms when the atoms are changed the element also changes and different types of elements are made due to this the element is changed to a compound.

How do you explain what an element is to kids?

an element is a material on the periodic table that cant be broken down

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This is a radioactive chemical element.

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In a car thermostat the element is wax

What detemines the identit of an element?

The number of protons it has in the nucleus. Number of electrons and neutrons can vary but if the number of protons changes, you have a different element. Number of protons is a constant in an element which never changes.

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Iron is a chemical element, not a change.