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Chlorine cannot form a hydrogen bond

only Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Flourine can

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Q: Give the name of compound in which Chlorine forms hydrogen bond?
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Is an acid is any compound that forms H plus ions in solution true?

Not all the time. Only acids that react with metals will give of Hydrogen (H) Acid + Metal --> Salt + Hydrogen

Is HOH a compound?

yes it a compound since it is made by chemical composition hydrogen and oxdie to give chemical formula H0H it is also soluble hydrogen but OH is an element

Does sulfur and oxygen form ionic compounds?

The reaction of chlorine and sulfur can give a few different products, each of which is considered to have covalent rather than ionic bonding.

Why is a compound different from an element?

a compound is many elements mashed together into one. water is H2O and is a compound. H2 for 2 hydrogen molecules, and O for 1 oxygen molecule. Oxygen is an element. When you give 1 oxygen molecule 2 hydrogen molecules it becomes a compound.

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Dinitrogen (N2) is a molecule that is not a compound, as it only contains nitrogen atoms. Hydrogen chloride is a molecule that is a compound, as it contains two different elements.

How can magnesium give away 2 electrons to chlorine?

One, but there is a catch. One magnesium atom will combine with two chlorine atoms to make magnesium chloride (MgCl2). The magnesium will give one electron to eachof two chlorine atoms to create this metal salt.

What is a compound in science and give examples?

basically a compound is a mixture of elements, an element is something that is made up entirely of one type of molecule and no others, like hydrogen for example. A compound is something that is a mi of elements, like water, which is made of Oxygen molecules and Hydrogen molecules

What happens if you mix chlorine bleach and acid?

Chlorine bleach is a base so a base and an acid will give you a salt (or ionic compound) and water. In order to come up with the equation for the reaction, you would need the formula of chlorine bleach and of the acid you are reacting it with.

Will a chlorine ion lose its extra electron to a sodium ion when they are separated by an electric field in an aqueous solution?

no, because the electric potential of sodium is so low.But chlorine will give electron to proton to form hydrogen gas

Compound that dissolves in water to give hydrogens ions as the only positive ions are what?

The Arrhenius acids give proton or hydrogen ion or hydronium ion in water.

Why is air a mixture and not a compound give 4 point to justify your answers?

I'll not give you a whole answer - as this is obviously a homework question !... However - a compound - is the joining of two or more elements to form one molecule. For example - common table salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. The chemical name for salt is Sodium Chloride. Pure air, however is composed of individual elements (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, carbon and other 'trace' elements) which are 'free-flowing' - in that the individual atoms are not combined into a single atom of air.

What happens when iron reacts with chlorine?

A chemical reaction ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you thick?? two halogens cannot react there shall be no reaction between iodine and chlorine