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Assuming that hydrogen, chlorine, and hydrogen chloride are all ideal gases and that the temperature and pressure are kept constant, the volume of gas depends only on the number of molecules of gas present. Also, at standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen and chlorine occur as diatomic molecules, and hydrogen chloride also occurs as diatomic molecules.

The equation for the reaction is Cl2 + H2 -> 2 HCl.

Therefore, the number of molecules of gas is the same before and after the reaction if both gases are present in the initial mixture that has a volume of 40 cm3. In that instance, the volume is the same before and after the reaction. However, the question seems to imply that hydrogen is supplied from an outside source. In that instance, there will be twice as many molecules after the reaction as before, so that the final volume will be 80 cm3.

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Q: What volume of hydrogen chloride is produced by the reaction of 40 cm3 of chlorine with hydrogen?
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