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Hydrogen diffuses in faster than chlorine into the porous pot. Most of the chlorine remains outside the pot.

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1mo ago

Hydrogen and chlorine can be separated by passing them through a porous pot because hydrogen molecules are smaller and can diffuse faster through the pores of the pot compared to chlorine molecules. As a result, hydrogen will pass through the pot more rapidly, allowing for the separation of the two gases.

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Q: How are hydrogen and chlorine can be separated by passage through a porous pot?
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How can you separate hydrogen chloride gas and chlorine gas?

Hydrogen chloride gas and chlorine gas can be separated by passing the gas mixture through a solution of water. Hydrogen chloride dissolves in water to form hydrochloric acid, while chlorine gas does not dissolve. This process will allow the hydrogen chloride to be separated from the chlorine gas.

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The mixture of hydrogen and chlorine can be separated by passing the gases through a tube where they will react to form hydrogen chloride. The hydrogen chloride can then be dissolved in water to form hydrochloric acid, which can be separated from the remaining unreacted gases.

Hydrogen oxygen and chlorine are?

Hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine are chemical elements found on the periodic table. Hydrogen is the lightest element, oxygen is essential for sustaining life through respiration, and chlorine is a reactive nonmetal commonly used for disinfection purposes.

How is chlorine separated from other materials found in it?

Chlorine can be separated from other materials through processes like electrolysis, which involves passing an electric current through a solution of salt (sodium chloride) to produce pure chlorine gas. Another method is through distillation, where the chlorine-containing compounds are heated to separate and collect the chlorine gas.

How can hydrochloric acid be split up to form hydrogen and chlorine?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) can be split up into hydrogen gas (H2) and chlorine gas (Cl2) through a process called electrolysis. When an electric current is passed through a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid, the hydrogen ions (H+) are reduced at the cathode to form hydrogen gas, and the chloride ions (Cl-) are oxidized at the anode to form chlorine gas.

Does chlorine reacts with hydrogen to form a ionic compound?

Chlorine and hydrogen do not react to form an ionic compound. They form a covalent compound called hydrogen chloride (HCl) through a covalent bond formed by sharing electrons.

Can you separate hydrogen in the sodium chloride solution?

No, you cannot separate hydrogen from a sodium chloride solution by electrolysis because sodium chloride does not contain hydrogen in a form that can be readily separated through electrolysis. Sodium chloride solution will only undergo electrolysis to produce chlorine gas at the anode and sodium metal at the cathode.

Why do hydrogen combines with chlorine in sunlight?

Hydrogen and chlorine combine in sunlight because the energy from sunlight provides the activation energy necessary for the reaction to occur. This leads to the formation of hydrogen chloride through a reaction that involves the breaking and formation of chemical bonds between hydrogen and chlorine atoms.

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Iodine can be obtained from iodide by oxidizing iodide ions through a reaction with an oxidizing agent, such as chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. This reaction produces molecular iodine, which can then be separated and purified for use.

How do you separate hydrogen from carbon monoxide?

they may be separated by Liquefaction, but traces of CO from mixture are separated by passing through concentrated solution of NaOH.

What is the raw material for obtaining chlorine?

Chlorine is typically obtained from the electrolysis of salt water (sodium chloride solution). When an electric current is passed through the salt water, chlorine gas is produced at the anode, while hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide are produced at the cathode.

Can hydrogen and oxygen be separated?

Yes, hydrogen and oxygen can be separated through a process called electrolysis. This involves passing an electric current through water, which breaks down the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases.