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They are formed when you have a rock that has pressure and heat added to it which creates a different rock. (ex. granite ___ geniss )

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Q: How are methamorphic rocks formed?
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What are 4 kinds of methamorphic rocks?


What is methamorphic rock formed from?

it is an Igneous rock or a sedimenaty rock that is changed by heat and presure


Marble is a methamorphic rock

Rocks are formed when magma does what?

Rocks are formed when magma cools.

Are metamorphic rocks naturally formed?

Metamorphic rocks are naturally formed. they are formed from natural changes that happen to other rocks.

How is sedimenary rocks formed?

Sedimentary rocks are formed from the earths surface when sediments hardens into rocks :]

What is formed first rocks or minerals?

Minerals are formed first then rocks

Which types of rocks are formed above ground?

Extrusive igneous rocks are one type of rocks that can be formed above the ground. Sedimentary rocks can also be formed above the ground.

How are sedamentic rocks formed?

the sedamentic rocks formed on the gradual accumulation of sediments.

What kinds of rocks formed when mt Vesuvius erupted?

it formed igneous rocks

Are rocks natural forms?

Metamorphic rocks are naturally formed. they are formed from natural changes that happen to other rocks.

How was asandstome formed?

Sandstone rocks are formed from sedimentary rocks. It is when sedimentary rocks are broke down into small pieces.