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3mo ago

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to global warming. This causes a rise in global temperatures, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe extreme weather events. These changes can have negative impacts on ecosystems, human health, agriculture, and economies worldwide.

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Q: How are the greenhouse house and global warming potentially harmful?
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How are greenhouse effect and global warming harmful?

The natural greenhouse effect (helped by carbon dioxide) keeps the earth warm. This is not harmful.The enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect (from too much carbon dioxide) is causing global warming. This is harmful as it is causing climate change, meaning stronger storms, droughts and flooding.

Do greenhouse gasses help global warming?

They don't help with global warming naturally but the large buildup of greenhouse gases does assist with global warming.

What do the greenhouse effect consist of?

the greenhouse effect consists of harmful gases such as carbon and does not dispose away ,its warmth reflects back causing global warming

What is the name that gives gases that trap heat and cause global warming?

Greenhouse gasses are the cause of Global Warming.

What gases cause global warming and how?

Greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane, mostly) cause global warming by increasing their levels in the atmosphere. This turns the benign greenhouse effect into an accelerated greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

How do greenhouse gasses impact the ozone layer?

Greenhouse gases cause global warming on earth. This global warming can cause ozone depletion.

Do the gases in the atmosphere increase or decrease global warming?

The greenhouse gases are increasing global warming.

What natural greenhouse gases are associated with greenhouse effect?

global warming

Does an increased use of solar powered cars contribute to global warming?

No, this would have the opposite effect. It would reduce the rate of global warming. Most vehicles run on oil, the burning of which releases greenhouse gases and causes global warming. Solar powered cars have no harmful emissions.

What is specific topic of global warming?

The Specific topic for global warming is greenhouse gases Ben Crooks

What impact is burning fossil fuels having on the global climate?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) emit polluting greenhouse gases which are incredible harmful to the planet, causing global warming. Global warming is causing climate change.

What can be done to halt the effects of global warming?

Global warming can be halted by halting the greenhouse gases. These gases are the ones responsible for warming.